职位描述: 1、有物流仓储、运输、配送行业资源和人脉,寻求公司平台发展业务; 2、有抱负、有梦想、想干一番事业但苦于没平台; 3、为人真诚、有担当、有一定的业务管理经验! 4、公司全国都有仓库协调,寻求有实力、有能力人才加入。 岗位要求: 1、 物流行业从业经验; 2、 有5年及10人以上团队管理经验; 3、 丰富的行业人脉及相应客户资源(空运、货代、船代等)。 Business Partner: Job Description: 1.Have sources and contacts in the logistics warehousing, transportation and distribution industries, seek company platform to develop business. 2.Have ambition, dream, want achievement but suffer from no platform. 3.Be sincere, responsible and have certain business management experience. 4.The company has warehouses all over the country to coordinate and seek qualified personnel to join. Job Requirements: 1.Experience in logistics industry. 2.5+ years of team management experience with more than 10 people. 3.Rich industry contacts and corresponding customer resources (air transportation, freight forwarding, shipping agency, etc.)