1.能够独立完成上下模开机,确保按时按质完成每日生产计划 Be able to upper and lower die and operate the machine by himself, be sure to finish the daily production plan on time. 2.熟悉新产品试模及工艺参数设定 Familiar with the trial of new product and setting the technology parameter 3.对注塑生产中出现的工艺条件、模具及机台问题能够提出改善建议 Suggestions can be made to improve the injection conditions if there are some problems of process, mould and machines. 4.能够对一般模具问题进行维护操作及按时对模具进行保养 Be able to carry out the questions of maintenance operation and maintain the mold on time 5.熟悉生产中相关检具治具量具的使用 Be familiar with the related measuring device 6.做好日常生产点检,生产中出现的异常能够快速响应,跟踪生产异常处理进度,提高产品品质 Well done in daily check of production, support operation and production trouble shooting solution, improve the production quality. 7.具有识图能力 Ability to read the drawing 8.上级主管安排的其它工作 Other work assigned by their supervisor