岗位职责 Responsibilities: 应付账款 AP 1. 系统中采购发票或间接费用发票的入帐,确保会计核算和应付账款信息正确无误。 Register the purchase invoices or indirect expense invoice in system to ensure the accounting and AP information are correct. 2. 库存移动跟进,并确保项目成本的正确性。 Inventory movement tracking to ensure the project costing is correct. 3. 每月与仓库进行库存核对,及时更正库存并尽量解决此类问题。 Monthly inventory check with warehouse, timely correct inventory and try to solve this kind of issue. 4. 每月提供应付帐款报表和暂估应付帐款报表,并和总帐与采购核对,如有差异,需找出差异原因并解决。 Provide monthly AP report and un-invoiced AP report, and check with GL and purchase, if any difference, need to find the reason and solve the problem. 5. 每月提供采购预付帐款报表,并跟催采购人员***及时冲帐。 Provide monthly prepayment report, follow purchase people to provide invoices to clean prepayment. 6. 每月更新核对资金报表,提供财务资金预测信息; Update and check treasury report monthly to provide the information for treasure forecast. 7. 预付款和逾期付款的外汇申报; Foreign exchange declaration for advance payment and overdue payment. 税务 Tax 8. ***的开具,并和RPS核对。 Issue sales invoice and reconcile with RPS. 9. 出口退税的申报,出口退税单证备案, 税务报表预测,尽量合理节税; Declaration for export tax refund, document filing for tax refund, tax report forecast, try to save the tax cost reasonably. 10. 增值税,所得税和地方税费的申报核对; VAT, income tax,local tax declaration and reconciliation. 11. 所得税汇算清缴。 Settlement and payment of annual enterprise income tax. 现金/固定资产/其他 Cash/FA/others 12. 银行账户管理和日常银行入账。 Bank account management and daily bank book in system. 13. 固定资产的帐务处理, 年终固定资产盘点。 Fixed asset booking, fixed asset counting at the end of year. 14. 用友凭证导入,检查并确保RPS和用友系统中的供应商,员工,科目,研发项目等设置的正确性。 Voucher transfer in Ufida, cross check and ensure set up of the supplier, employee, account, RD and so on are correct both in RPS and Ufida. 15. 凭证的装订和保管,需保留所有原件。 All voucher binding and keeping,need to keep all original paper. 16. 统计报表和高企报表,企业信用信息公示系统的年度报告,相关年度审计资料的提供。 Statistics report and high-tech enterprise report, annual report for the enterprise credit information publicity system, provide relevant information for annual audit. 17. 提出改进内部流程的良好建议。 Offer good suggestions to improve the internal procedure. 18. 其他由财务主管分配的任务。 Others assigned by finance supervisor. 任职要求: Job requirement: ? 会计或财务本科学位 Undergraduate degree in accounting or finance ? 五年以上财务总账相关职能工作经验 More than five years working experiences in finance GL related functions ? 流利的英语沟通和书面表达能力 Fluent English communication and written skills ? 有Oracle和SAP系统的操作经验是加分项 ERP experience of Oracle and SAP is plus ? 会计,税务,安全和通用方面的知识 Knowledge in the accounting, tax, safe and custom ? 有与外国人工作的经验 Has experience to work with foreigners ? 有在自动化行业工作的经验优先 Has experience in automation industry is preferred