

人 · 本科 · 3年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/07/30发布




行政方面:Admin. Area
1. 管理和维护办公室环境,接听公司总机电话,提供相关后勤支持;
Manage and maintain the office environment, Assist with receiving incoming visitors including company phone pick up, providing logistic support, etc.
2. 负责公司更衣室、餐厅、团膳、饮用水和劳保鞋等日常管理;行政、办公物资的盘点、采购与管理,若有台账需要,须进行台账维护;
Responsible for daily management of the company's changing rooms, restaurants, group meals, drinking water, and labor protection shoes; Inventory, procurement, and management of administrative and office materials. If there is a need for a ledger, it is necessary to maintain the ledger;
3. 与财务一起完成固定资产的定期盘点,当需要更新或采购时,负责提交采购需求并告知采购,到货后与财务、IT建立相应台账并做好相应登记;
Collaborate with finance to complete regular inventory of fixed assets. When updates or purchases are needed, be responsible for submitting procurement requirements and informing procurement. After arrival, establish corresponding accounts with finance and IT and make corresponding registrations;
4. 管理公司行政采购供应商(如保洁、绿化等),负责对账及请款事宜并按月汇总成报告并分配成本中心;
Manage the company's administrative procurement suppliers(eg. Cleaning supplier etc.), responsible for reconciliation and payment requests and generate monthly department expense report.;
5. 办公室文具材料和保洁用品的采购和管理,员工制服和安全鞋的发放及库存盘点与采购;
Office stationery materials purchase and manage, employee uniform and safety shoes issuing and check inventory regularly.
6. 外国人行政服务,包括房租、工作证、居留证等,当境外有单位需要邀请函时,负责出具邀请函及其他车辆、酒店、出入境登记等后勤服务跟进与支持;
Admin. Service for foreigner, including not limit house rent, working permit, residence permit, etc., Offer the invitation letter for visitors and support the taxi,hotel, police registration and other admin.service;
7. 负责公司社交平台维护与推广,自行设计与编辑中英文文稿或视频在包含但不限于Newsletter和公司官方微信公众号上发文并推广以及市场活动支持;
Be responsible for the maintenance and promotion of the company's social platform, design
and edit Chinese and English manuscripts or videos on their own, including but not limited to Newsletter and the company's official WeChat official account and support the marketing event;
8. 与EHS协调,以管理与健康和安全相关的所有事宜;
Co-ordinate with EHS to manage all related with health and safety issues.
1. 负责直接员工的考勤工作,当有异常时负责与员工及部门主管沟通并进行处理,确保每月3日前出具考勤报表,确保ERP系统和公司考勤中的工时核对无误,编制月度考勤报告,并提交部门经理审批;
Responsible for the attendance work of direct employees, communicating and handling any abnormalities with employees and department heads, ensuring the issuance of attendance reports before the 3rd of each month, verifying the working hours in the ERP system and company attendance, preparing monthly attendance reports, and submitting them to department managers for approval;
2. 协助上级进行培训体系搭建与梳理,跟进培训效果,进行反馈收集与整理;
Assist superiors in building and organizing the training system, follow up on training effectiveness, and collect and organize feedback;
3. 协助上级规划并组织年度及中长期培训计划,包括新员工入职培训、专业技能培训、管理技能及通识技能课程等;
Assist superiors in planning and organizing annual and medium to long-term training plans, including new employee onboarding training, professional skills training, management skills, and general skills courses;
4. 根据培训需求调查结果,编制公司《年度培训计划》,负责具体培训计划的实施与跟进,包括培训课程的开发、培训的实施与评估;
Based on the survey results of training needs, prepare the company's "Annual Training Plan", responsible for the implementation and follow-up of specific training plans, including the development of training courses, implementation and evaluation of training;
5. 负责维护人才标准和任职资格体系,定期评估与优化;
Responsible for maintaining talent standards and job qualification systems, regularly evaluating and optimizing them;
6. 负责对组织人员进行识别和盘点;
Responsible for identifying and inventorying organizational personnel;
7. 组织内部岗位的晋升,人才的选拔与跟踪培养,建立和维护潜力人才库;
Promotion of internal positions within the organization, selection and tracking of talents, establishment and maintenance of a potential talent pool;
8. 负责人才发展统计与分析:负责收集、整理和分析人才建设数据,为公司的决策提供数据支持;
Responsible for talent development statistics and analysis: Responsible for collecting, organizing, and analyzing talent development data to provide data support for the company's decision-making;
9. 参与公司福利提案组织与策划,组织和安排公司相关会议以及团队建设活动&年度晚宴等;
Participate in the organization and planning of company welfare proposals, organize the related company meeting and team building activities and annual dinner etc..
10. 支持公司招聘工作(若有必要时),收集部门需求做招聘计划,在招聘网站上发布招聘信息,寻找合适的人选给部门经理面试;
Recruitment support( when necessary), should collect dept. requirement to do the recruit plan, make recruitment advertisement on website, search for suitable candidates for dept. manager to have interview.
11. 协助部分人事工作,如面试时的测试相关准备、员工福利发放、员工入离职办理等。
Assist in some personnel work, such as test preparation during the interview, employee welfare distribution, and employee resignation procedures.
12. 其他人力资源和行政日常运营工作;
Other HR and Admin. daily operation work.
13. 完成经理分配的其他工作任务。
Fulfill other job task assigned by manager.
Technical skills / knowledge:
61 在企业从事培训或人才发展3年以上候选人皆可,本科以上学历,人力资源或工商管理类相关专业;
Candidates with more than 3 years of training or talent development work experience are eligible, with a bachelor's degree or above in human resources or business management related majors;
61 了解人力各模块,擅长或有实际培训体系搭建、人才梯队建设、胜任力模型、任职资格、人才测评与盘点等人才发展项目1个以上经验优先;
Understand various modules of human resources, proficient in or with experience in building practical training systems, talent echelon construction, competency models, job qualifications, talent assessment and inventory, and more than one talent development project is preferred;
61 流利的英语口语和书面能力;Fluent English communication and written skills;
61 愿意学习、及很强的服务意识,乐于承担工作任务及责任良好的沟通能力和服务意识;
Willing to learn and have a strong sense of service, willing to take on work tasks and responsibilities. Good communication skills and service awareness;
61 有一定的培训、招聘、活动组织、策划能力经验,善于自我激励,主动性强,具备人文关怀特质;
Have certain experience in training,recruitment, event organization, and planning abilities,good at self motivation, strong initiative, and possessing humanistic care characteristics;;
61 具备优秀的敬业精神、抗压能力及高度的行动力、执行力,熟练操作Office等办公软件;
Possess excellent professionalism, stress resistance, high level of action and execution ability, excellent writing skills, and proficient operation of office software such as Office;
61 富有亲和力,良好的语言表达能力、人际交往能力、应变能力以及冲突&解决问题的能力;
Kind-hearted, good verbal& interpersonal skills, flexibility and conflict and problem solving skills;
61 具有一定的审美意识、优秀的文字功底以及视频剪辑能力。
Having a certain level of aesthetic awareness, excellent writing skills, and video editing ability.

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


招聘信息 > 昆山招聘 > 人力资源招聘 > 昆山培训专员/助理/培训师招聘

