

人 · 大专 · 8年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/09/03发布




1. 现金及银行收付款,外币资金结汇,编制月度付款计划。
Cash and bank receipts and payments, settlement of foreign currency funds and preparation of monthly payment plan.
2. 境外资金收付汇申报,进出口货物延期收付款申报。
Declaration on the foreign currency receipts and payments of offshore funds, and declaration on the deferred receipts and payment of imported and exported goods.
3. 往来账的核对及关联公司在途物资的核算等。
Reconciliation of AP & AR, calculate goods in transit from affiliated companies, etc.
4. 固定资产的入账,折旧、报废及后续管理及监督。
Entry, depreciation, scrap and subsequent management and supervision of fixed assets.
5. 国内外销售业务收入核对及发票开具。审核货物销售开票, 确保开具发票的准确性及合规性。
Sales reconciliation and invoice issuance for domestic and overseas sales business. Checking the goods sales to ensure the accuracy and compliance of invoices issued.
6. 出口退税(一般贸易及进料加工)、所得税、增值税(包括海关进口增值税勾选抵扣)及其他税种的纳税申报等。
Export tax refund (General trade and import processing), CIT & VAT declaration (including customs import VAT deduction) and other.
7. 出口销售业务单证备案资料整理。
Organization of filing for export sales business documents.
8. 非贸项下合同备案,税金申报等。
Filing of non-trade contracts, and non-trading business tax declaration etc;
9. 合同的管理归档, 凭证打印及装订。
Management and filing of contracts, voucher printing and binding.
10. 存货报废账务处理,报废文档整理,包括但不限于生产报废,存货减值计提及报废、原材料质量问题报废等;做好资料的整理、归档等工作。
Accounting treatment of scrap of inventory, organization of scrap documentation, including but not limited to scrap of production, inventory devaluation accrual & scrap, raw material quality problems, etc.; Data organization, filing, etc.
11. 主营业务成本、制造费用的核算及账务处理,提出意见和建议以避免潜在的税务风险;
COGS checking & manufacturing overheads checking, with advice and recommendations to avoid potential tax risks;
12. 根据业务需要,每月配合出差海门处理特定事务.
Cooperating with travel to Haimen on a monthly basis to deal with specific matters as required by the business.
13. 领导交办的其它事宜
Other matters assigned by leaders.
1. 大专以上学历,税务、会计、财务管理或相关专业,注册税务师优先考虑。
College degree or above, majoring in taxation, accounting, financial management or related majors, certified tax agent is preferred.
2. 8年以上外资制造业会计工作经验,精通税法及成本核算流程,有浇铸制造业财务背景优先考虑。
More than 8 years of accounting experience in foreign-funded manufacturing industry, proficient in tax law and cost accounting process, financial background in casting manufacturing industry is preferred.
3. 熟练操作SAP软件
Be able to operate SAP software proficiently.
4. 做事认真负责,积极主动,原则性强,能承受工作压力,具有很好的团队精神。
Be conscientious and responsible, proactive, principled, able to work under pressure, with good team spirit.
5. 能够适应海门昆山频繁出差, 工作地暂定为昆山,后续根据业务发展工作迁移至海门。
Be able to adapt to frequent travel in Haimen and Kunshan, the workplace is tentatively located in Kunshan, the subsequent work according to the development of the business be relocated to Haimen.
6. 具有良好的英语听说写能力。
Have good command of spoken, written and oral English.

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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