岗位职责: 1.Coordinates, organizes, supervises and controls following process-description, sub-process which is in accordance with "Table of Contents_Process Description" 协调、组织、监督和控制符合“目录-工艺描述表”的工艺描述、子工艺 2.Supervisor daily work of WH and MH, coordinate cross different departments. 监督WH和MH的日常工作,协调不同部门的工作 3.Create and revise the WI, standard work flow and regulation of WH and MH. 创建和修改工作指导书,标准工作流程和WH和MH的规定 4.Planning the daily work in WH & MH, continue improving based on company target. 对WH & MH的日常工作进行规划,并根据公司目标进行持续改进 5.Manage, distribute and balance working to subordinate. 管理、分配和平衡下属的工作 6.Define the function areas by whole logistics depart target. 根据整个物流分离目标确定职能区域 7.Handle the Daily/weekly and quarterly cycle count in WH. Try best to ensure the no gap, and lead to analyse the gap to push to avoid the similar issue in future. 处理每日/每周和季度的库存盘点。尽量保证没有差距,并引导对差距的分析,以避免今后发生类似的问题 8.Guild and train WH & MH staff for MH & MH work. 指导和培训WH & MH员工从事WH & MH的工作 9.Regularly test and evaluate the performance to WH & WH staff. 定期对WH & WH员工进行绩效考核 10.Handle and monitor defected parts and yellow stock solving. 处理和监督不合格品和黄料的处理 11.Make sure the physical stock, labelling and stock in system/excel record match. 确保实物库存,标签和库存系统/excel记录的匹配 12.Manage the suppliers and shipments time window. 管理供应商和出货时间窗口 13.Lead internal warehouse picking and receiving work flow improvement, such as JIT/KANBAN etc. 领导内部仓库收货工作流程的改进,如JIT/看板等 14.Emergency case solving. 解决紧急情况 15.Customers system(Supplyon) working for labelling and delivery documents. 客户系统(供应)的标签和交付文件工作 16.Assigned tasks by higher managements. 上级分配的任务 任职要求: 1.University degree.大专以上学历 2.More than 5 years logistic experience in auto industry.5年以上汽车行业物流工作经验 3.Management experience of special material management such as cleaning, Temperature/Humidity etc. 有清洁、温湿度等特殊物料管理经验 4.FIFO & batch management skill and SAP working experience are necessary. 具备先进先出和批量管理技能和SAP工作经验 5.English skill of written and reading. 英语读写能力强 6.Excellent computer skills. 优秀的计算机技能 7.Communication ability, Negotiation skills and forcefulness沟通能力,谈判技巧和说服力