工作职责/Key Responsibilities: 1、依据集团财务制度及中国会计准则/税法,经营财务业务。 Ensure financial operations comply with group policies, Chinese GAAP, and tax regulations. 2、跟踪海外客户销售项目,核对海外应收账款(AR)、美国仓库库存,协助税务会计完成出口退税申报。 Monitor overseas sales projects, reconcile AR and US warehouse inventory, and support export tax rebate applications and etc. 3、 审核采购发票、订单(含委外加工订单)、入库单的准确性,并在ERP系统登记采购数据。 Verify purchase invoices, orders (including subcontracting), and receipts; record data in ERP system. 4、审核生产工单、材料合规性及产出匹配性,分析月度标准成本与实际成本差异。 Audit material usage compliance in production orders, analyze standard vs. actual cost variances monthly. 5、归集研发费用并按项目/类别分类管理。 Track, allocate, and classify R&D expenses by project/category. 6、 配合总经理和领导,做好其它被交代事项。 Cooperate with General Manager and leaders to do other assigned matters. 任职条件/Qualifications: 7、 英语读写流利,精通金蝶ERP及Office软件(Excel/PPT优先)。 Fluent in English; proficient in Kingdee ERP and MS Office (Excel/PPT preferred). 8、 具备团队协作精神、出色沟通能力及问题解决主动性。 Strong teamwork, communication skills, and proactive problem-solving ability. 9、 3年以上财务经验,持中级会计职称;2025年2月中旬到岗优先。 3+ years finance experience, CPA Intermediate; available by mid-Feb 2025 preferred. 10、财务/税务相关专业,大专及以上学历。 College degree or above in Finance, Taxation, or related field.