工作内容描述: 1. 负责测试项目评审、跟踪、完成; 2. 制定项目管理计划并确保工作计划的有效完成; 3. 测试报告的审核; 4. 与客户保持项目沟通交流反馈; Job Description: 1. Responsible for the review, tracking and completion of test projects; 2. Develop project management plan and ensure the effective completion of the work plan; 3. Review of test reports; 4. Maintain project communication and feedback with customers;
岗位任职要求: 1. 可靠性项目管理经验;有第三方实验室测试工作经验优先; 2. 熟悉掌握可靠性测试规范,熟悉测试流程及测试手法; 3. 熟悉可靠性领域测试设备能力规格; 4. 具有较好的职业素养,跨部门沟通协调能力,团队合作精神,以及较强的独立思考和学习能力,能与团队及其他相关部门密切协作。能够承受较大的工作压力; Position Requirements: 1. Reliability project management experience; Third party laboratory testing experience is preferred; 2. Familiar with reliability test specifications, test process and test techniques; 3. Familiar with the capability specifications of test equipment in the reliability field 4. Have good professional quality, cross-departmental communication and coordination ability, team spirit, strong independent thinking and learning ability, and can work closely with the team and other relevant departments. Able to work under great pressure;