岗位职责: Responsibilities: 1.根据 MAK 和客户标准,完成项目机械设计概念图,3D和2D设计图。 Make Projects Mechanical Design, concepts, 3D and 2D; according to MAK and Customer standards. 2.向项目经理报告机械设计进度(跟进表)。 Report progress of mechanical design to PM (Follow-up Sheet). 3.完成并更新项目上所需的机械指导方针。 Complete and update Mechanical Guideline for Project with all required information. 4.需要时制作非标设备规格标准。 Make Special Equipment Specifications when needed. 5.定义项目上相关机械,气动和传感器材料清单(BOM)并在系统中输入,在设备装配和安装过程中添加所需的材料并修改BOM表。 Define Project mechanical, pneumatic and sensor Material List (BOM) and input in the system; add required material and corrections during assembly and set up of equipment. 6.与电气部门合作,为电缆布线设计解决方案。 Work together with Electrical department to define the best solution for the cable routing. 7.与电气工程师一起制作设备的I / O图表。 Make equipment I/O chart together with Electric Engineers. 8.制作设备的气动设计和原理图。 Make pneumatic design and schematics. 9.为设备制作装配图。 Make assembly drawings for the equipment. 10.在机器设备组装开始之前,完成装配说明书,其中包含所有相关的机械文档(装配图、I/O表、检查清单等)。 Complete Assembly Notebook with all related mechanical documents before machine assembly starts. (Assembly drawings, I/O, Checklist, etc.…). 11.配合电气编程工程师解决装配问题,以保证机器的运行及效率。 Coordinate with Electric-Programing Engineers to solve assembly problems and to ensure machine operation and efficiency. 12.支持车间、客户现场的装配工作,修复优化所有机械设计,气动,BOM表和其他文档所出现的问题。 Support assembly operations in workshop and customer site; fix all mechanical design, pneumatics, BOM and rest of documents. 13.在设备装配期间更新完成所有设计的修改(图纸、I/O 图等)。 Update all modifications (drawing, I/O map, etc...) done during assembly and set up. 14.为客户制作设备的相关机械文档(图纸,使用手册等)。 Make equipment mechanical documentation for customer (Drawings, Manuals, etc...). 15.保持办公室和车间的安全,整洁。 Keep safety, clean and organized the office and workshop. 16.必要时前往客户现场出差。 Travel to customer site when necessary. 任职要求Job requirements 1.本科以上学历,机械工程或者自动化相关教育背景,英语听说读写熟练能与外国人英语自由交流; Bachelor degree or above, mechanical engineering or automation related education background, proficient in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing, able to communicate freely with foreigners. 2. 有非标行业设备设计经验至少三年以上,能独立设计开发; At least three years experience in non-standard design industry, can design and develop the machine independently; 3.理解,阅读和绘制2D和3D图纸,能对尺寸和公差进行分析和制定标准。 Understands, reads and draws 2D and 3D drawings. Analysis and criteria capability on dimensional and tolerances. 4.了解材料、钢材、热处理等相关知识以及设备流程和操作定义。 Knowledge about material, steels, heat treatments and machining process and operations definition. 5. 对电动和气动装置有基本的了解。 Basic understanding of electric and pneumatic installations. 6.熟练使用Solid Works, Auto cad或类似画图工具。 Familiar using Solid Works, Auto cad or similar.