Key Areas of Accountability / Responsibility 主要职责 / 责任 1. 协调公司与当地政府之间的HSE管理事宜; Play as key coordinator to communicate with local authority with regarding to HSE issues. 2. 负责场地日常HSE管理工作,及时发现问题并解决; Take responsibilities to manage HSE activities overall site. 3. 组织或参与安全生产规章制度、操作规程和生产安全事故应急救援预案的制定,并监督落实; Take responsibilities to manage HSE information i.e. procedures, work instructions and ERP, etc. 4. 组织或参与安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防工作,督促、检查运行过程,及时消除生产安全事故隐患; Implement risk assessment and field inspection overall site which focuses on eliminating potential accident. 5. 负责维护HSE相关的行政许可、备案的有效性,包括但不限于:安全生产许可证、排污许可证、危化品经营许可证、安全生产标准化等等; Take responsibilities to maintaining the effectiveness of HSE related permits and licenses. 6. 及时获取法律法规和监管部门的新要求,建立健全HSE管理相关的管理程序并监督执行; Implement compliance evaluation regularly and make gap analysis. 7. 监督落实固体废弃物(一般固体废弃物和危险固体废弃物)的全生命周期管理,组织供应商审计并如实记录审计结果; Take responsibilities to manage the life cycle of solid waste. 8. 监督落实场地废水、废气在线监测排口的有效运行,及时发现并处理异常数据,保持与监管部门的有效沟通,防止发生处罚; Take responsibilities to manage the on-line measurement of waste emissions. 9. 组织或参与场地LDAR监测及修复工作,并记录相关信息; Implement LDAR detection and repair work according with regulatory. 10. 负责新、改、扩建项目的“三同时”手续申请; Implement the management of “three simultaneous” during project construction. 11. 组织或参与各类风险评估工作,监督落实安全生产整改措施; Attend the discussion of risk assessment in the field and follow up the corrective actions. 12. 支持直线经理进行事故调查。 Support in incident investigation. 13. 制止和纠正违章指挥、强令冒险作业、违反操作规程等任何不安全的行为。 Observe and stop any unsafe behavior in the field. 14. 给直线经理、员工和承包商提供HSE知识方面的支持、培训等。 Provide HSE knowledge support and training to line manager、employees and contractors. Qualifications任职资格: 1、本科或以上学历,安全、环境等相关专业 Bachelor’s degree or above majored in environmental or chemistry related preferred. 2、5年以上化工行业工作经验 About 5 years related working experience in chemical company. 3、丰富的HSE法规知识 Rich knowledge on HSE related laws & regulations 4、 注册安全工程师优先 Certified safety engineer will be preferred.