工作职责 1.根据国产化战略全球寻找合适的合格供方,不限于设备,BOM材料,零部件,外协加工 Search for suitable suppliers globally according to company localization strategy, including Machine and Equipment, BOM material, components, outside process. 2.询价,议价并进行深度成本分析和商务谈判及合同签订 Inquiry, analyze cost, further negotiation and contract signing. 3.组织跨部门团队综合评估潜在供方和风险以及现场审核 Organize multi-depts. to evaluate potential suppliers and risks, arrange on-site audit. 4.协调与批准新供方并加入到合格供方 Coordinate and approve new supplier in ASL 5.与采购/供应链合作推动长期协议签订,并维持与供应商积极的合作和风险管理 Work with Purchasing/Supply Chain to drive long-term agreement issue. Maintain positive relationship with supplier and risk management. 6.与采购/供应链及质量部门积极合作,根据供应商绩效评估结果,推动供应商改善和发展 Work with Purchasing/Supply Chain and quality department, drive supplier improvement and development according to supplier performance. 7.与项目,运营,质量,技术部门等合作,推动新产品导入阶段的国产化 Work with PM, Operation, Quality, Engineering, etc. dept. to localize successfully in NPI. 8.优化供应商开发流程和评估方案,建议并优化国产化战略 Optimize new supplier development process and evaluation scheme. Optimize localization strategy. 9.上级分配其他工作 Other jobs assigned by NPI leader 技能要求: 1.学士或以上学历, 着重供应商开发管理 BA / BS Degree (or Equivalent) with Emphasis in Supplier development Management. 2.熟练掌握中英文, 并具备出色的口头和书面交流能力. Proficient in both Chinese and English, with excellent oral and written communication skills. 3.熟练掌握Office,ERP或相关软件等 Skill of Office, ERP and related software. 4.擅长言语表达,出色的内外部沟通技巧 Be good at expression and excellent communication skill 5.较强的资源开发能力和谈判水平 Strong resources development ability and negotiation level 对供应商开发流程,采购/供应链管理流程比较熟悉,并具备一定的管理水平和经验或者项