我们正在寻找一位会计和财务管理领域的专业人才,能够高效地记录公司财务活动,系统整理、汇总所有必要信息,帮助我们深入分析公司运营状况,制作清晰的管理报表和报告,并针对不同部门、市场和时间段进行分析。我们希望您在财务管理上做到切实的“高效”,确保所有会计文件和数据清晰透明,图表和结论简洁明了、易于理解。 您的主要工作包括: ●银行账户对账 ●监督进出口文件流程 ●制定对外付款计划 ●与各国的税务代理、顾问及税务机关沟通 ●分析公司财务状况并提出改进建议 ●确保在不同国家及时缴纳各项税费 ●对产品、市场和销售渠道的盈利能力进行分析 工作中,您需要远程与全球的合作伙伴对接,因此有时需要在正常工作时间外安排会议。我们会通过任务管理工具和时间跟踪器规划每周的工作内容,帮助您合理安排时间,避免过度劳累。我们的理想人选是精通财务、会计和企业经济学的专业人士,熟练掌握Excel,具备流利的英语口语和书面能力,对其他国家的相关流程充满好奇心,并渴望在国际市场上建立完善的财务和会计流程。即使您在国际税务方面经验尚浅,我们也会考虑,但我们会优先考虑在这一领域有成功经验的候选人。 如果您符合以下特质,将非常匹配该职位: ●对自己和同事坦诚真挚 ●精通Excel ●熟悉如何准确地准备财务和管理报告 ●注重细节,追求高质量 ●能够以简洁明了的方式进行数据可视化 ●具备海外税务处理的基本知识 ●积极主动,勇于承担并完成项目 ●擅长梳理复杂数据,系统化管理信息 ●熟悉如Asana、Trello等现代任务管理工具,理解其对个人和团队的帮助 ●热爱学习,愿意不断提升流程 薪资待遇将在面试后商议。 如果您认为自己适合这份工作,请将简历和求职信发送到指定邮箱,邮件主题请注明“财务经理-分析师”。我们只考虑附有求职信的申请,请在信中说明您对这份工作感兴趣的原因以及您认为自己能够胜任的理由,如您有社交媒体账号,请一并附上链接。 We are looking for a strong specialist in the field of accounting and financial management who can effectively keep records of the company's financial activities, systematize and aggregate all the necessary information to analyze the company's performance, prepare dashboards and necessary management reports, and conduct analysis of activities in various sections/markets/periods. When we say "efficiently", we mean the systematization and complete transparency of accounting documents and figures in management reporting, the clarity of graphs and conclusions on them. Tasks: ●Bank accounts’ reconciliation ●Import/Export documents’ flow supervision ●Preparation of a payment plan for counterparties ●Interaction with tax agents/consultants and tax authorities of various countries ●Analysis of the financial condition of the company and suggestions for improvements ●Control of the timeliness of payment of various tax deductions in various countries ●Analysis of the profitability of products/markets/sales channels You will need to work remotely with foreign counterparties in different parts of the world, which means sometimes you will have to arrange calls (meetings) outside of normal working hours. The scope of work is planned for a week in conjunction with a task manager and time tracker, which allows you to plan your time without allowing overwork at all. Our ideal candidate is an intelligent specialist with deep knowledge in finance, accounting, and enterprise economics, with professional knowledge of Excel and fluent conversational and written English, with a bit of curiosity to similar processes in other countries, with an irresistible desire to build financial and accounting processes in the international market. We are ready to consider candidates without experience in working with taxes at the international level, but f*rst of all, we are waiting for responses from those who already have successful experience in organizing financial and accounting processes. We will gladly entrust all this to you if: ●honest to yourself and and to the colleagues; ●you have professional Excel skills; ●you are well versed in how to prepare financial and management reporting properly; ●everything you do is done in the highest possible quality with attention to details; ●you know how to visualize certain data on a graph so that any team members understand; ●you have an understanding of tax interactions abroad; ●you are proactive, initiative and bring your projects to the end; ●can clean up the mess and structure the incoming data; ●you know perfectly well how modern task managers and time trackers like Asana or Trello work and understand their value to yourself and the team; ●love and are ready to learn, look for new opportunities for continuous improvement of processes in your field; Remuneration is discussed based on the results of the interview.