动设备维修技术员主要负责工厂各类动设备的日常维护、故障诊断与修复工作,保障设备的稳定运行,减少因设备故障导致的生产中断,确保生产活动能够按照计划顺利进行,同时参与设备的优化升级项目,提高设备性能和生产效率。 The Rotating Equipment Maintenance Technician is primarily responsible for the daily maintenance, fault diagnosis, and repair of various rotating equipment in the factory. This role ensures the stable operation of the equipment, minimizes production disruptions caused by equipment failures, and guarantees that production activities can proceed smoothly as planned. Additionally, the technician participates in equipment optimization and upgrade projects to improve equipment performance and production efficiency. 1. 设备维护:制定并执行动设备的定期维护计划,包括但不限于切粒机、挤出机、齿轮箱等设备的日常巡检、润滑、紧固等保养工作;记录设备运行数据,分析设备运行状态,及时发现潜在问题并采取预防措施。 Equipment Maintenance: Develop and execute a regular maintenance plan for rotating equipment, including but not limited to daily inspections, lubrication, and fastening of extruders, pelletizers, gearboxes, and other equipment. Record equipment operation data, analyze equipment operating status, promptly identify potential problems, and take preventive measures.
2. 故障维修:在设备出现故障时,迅速响应并进行现场诊断,准确判断故障原因;及时修复设备故障,更换损坏的零部件,确保设备尽快恢复正常运行;对维修过程进行详细记录,包括故障现象、维修措施、更换的零部件等信息。 Fault Repair: Respond quickly and conduct on - site diagnosis when equipment malfunctions, accurately determine the cause of the fault. Timely repair equipment failures, replace damaged parts to ensure that the equipment returns to normal operation as soon as possible. Keep detailed records of the repair process, including fault phenomena, repair measures, replaced parts, and other information.
3. 协助改进:参与动设备的技术改造和优化项目,提出合理化建议;协助工程师对新设备的安装、调试工作,确保新设备顺利投入使用;收集和整理设备维修过程中的问题和经验,为设备的选型、采购提供参考依据 。 Assistance in Improvement: Participate in the technical transformation and optimization projects of moving equipment, and put forward reasonable suggestions. Assist engineers in the installation and commissioning of new equipment to ensure the smooth operation of new equipment. Collect and organize the problems and experiences during the equipment repair process to provide a reference for equipment selection and procurement. Qualifications 1. 教育背景:机械工程、机电一体化等相关专业,大专及以上学历。 Educational Background: A college degree or above in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, or related majors.
2. 工作经验:具有3年以上动设备维修工作经验,熟悉常见动设备的结构和工作原理;有工厂设备维修经验者优先考虑。 Work Experience: At least 3 years of work experience in rotating equipment maintenance, with a good understanding of the structure and working principles of common rotating equipment. Those with factory equipment maintenance experience will be given priority.
3. 技能要求:具备良好的机械维修技能,能够熟练使用各类维修工具和检测设备;熟悉设备故障诊断方法,能够根据设备运行状况准确判断故障原因。 Skill Requirements: Possess good mechanical maintenance skills and be proficient in using various maintenance tools and testing equipment. Be familiar with equipment fault diagnosis methods and be able to accurately determine the cause of faults based on equipment operating conditions.
4. 其他素质:工作认真负责,具备较强的责任心和敬业精神;具备良好的团队合作精神和沟通能力,能够与不同部门的人员协作;具有较强的学习能力和问题解决能力,能够快速适应新的工作环境和技术要求。 Other Qualities: Be serious and responsible at work, with a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism. Have good teamwork spirit and communication skills, and be able to cooperate with personnel from different departments. Have strong learning ability and problem - solving skills, and be able to quickly adapt to new working environments and technical requirements.