Job Responsibility: 1. 产线开班、巡检等日常工作维护,督促生产和指导检验员的日常工作 Maintain startup&spot inpection tasks and guide the inspectors &review activities of production 2. 监控生产过程中的产品质量及过程控制状态,生产内部投诉,组织相关方分析缺陷原因并监督纠正措施的落实,验证纠正措施有效性 Control production part quaility and process, be responsible for guidance of internal quality issue cause analysis and verify the corrective action. 3. 统计、汇总前一个工作日生产不良数据,每天晨会主导不良品评审(包括偏差处理),并做好原因分析、纠正措施跟踪 Satistic&summary the non-conformity production data for last working day before daily fast response meeting and initiate the evaluation, keep the tracking for cause analysis and verifying corrective action 4. 统计质量表现数据报表,更新周报、月报,主导Top3问题改善 Satistic the quality performance data in time for quality weekly&montly report, lead improvement for top3 issues 5. 支持客户投诉问题得到分析、改善 Support the customer complaint 6. 支持内部产品审核、过程审核 Support the internal process&product audit 7.主管安排的其他工作任务 other tasks assigned by superior
Position Requirment: 1. 统招专科及以上学历 Junior College at least 2. 2年以上过程质量控制相关经验 automotive quality experience 2years at least, 3. 熟悉各类质量工具应用(如QC七大手法,Minitab等) knowledge of Quality QC methods and minitab software 4. 具有良好的逻辑思维,沟通能力和抗压能力 good logic and communication ability and workable with pressure 5. 英语:能阅读英文资料和邮件 English can workable,read and write ability at least 6. 有汽车行业相关工作经历,了解汽车行业五大手册APQP/FMEA/Control plan/MSA/SPC优先 Automotive experience or know 5 handboks APQP/FMEA/CP/MSA/SPC be preferred