工作职责】 1. 根据新项目需求,负责连接器非标视觉项目方案可行性评估,视觉硬件选型、设置和测试 ; According to requirements of new project, be responsible for the feasibility evaluation of connector non-standard machine vision scheme,Vision hardware selection, setup and experiment 2. AI 技术导入(不限于视觉领域); AI technology introduction.(Not limited machine vision field) 3. 编写视觉检查程序,开发人机交互界面,编写相关项目文档; Compile vision inspection program ,develop HMI, write technical documentation. 4. 执行设备现场安装调试,量产验证及GR&R,及时解决调试和试产中出现的问题直到设备生产交付; Execute machine vision system on-site setup, conditioning, GR&R and qualification , solve problems in conditioning and trial run before machine delivery to mass production 【任职要求】 1. 具备图像处理及机器视觉的理论基础和算法知识; Good theoretical foundation and algorithm knowledge in image processing and machine vision 2. 了解AI 相关知识并有意愿从事人工智能方面的应用开发工作; Good understanding of AI related knowledge and willingness to engage in AI application development. 3. 良好的逻辑思维,团队精神和创新意识;较强的时间观念和责任意识,接受项目的出差需求; Good logical thinking, teamwork and innovation consciousness; strong sense of responsibility, accept regular business travel by projects.