日常工作职责: Routine Job Responsibility: 1. 根据项目的总计划及各部门的计划,制定项目的节点计划,按照计划跟踪各部门进度,并进行统计。 Make milestone plan of the project based on the overall plan and plan of each department, follow up and make statistics of the progress of each department according to the plan. 2. 根据公司安全管理制度,确保各环节的安全。 Ensure the safety of all links according to the company's safety management system. 3. 主持VSCC 协调会议。 Chair the VSCC coordination meeting. 4. 监督及控制人员的工作时间,工作质量。 Control and supervise staff working hours and quality. 5. 协助项目经理控制项目计划,保证生产按计划进行。 Assist the project manager to control the project plan and ensure the production is on schedule. 6. 控制船上材料,设备的成本。 Control the cost of material and equipment on board. 7. 及时将计划调整更新传达给生产部门。 Update plan and deliver to the production department timely. 8. 负责交船的各项工作安排。 Responsible for all work arrangements for delivery. 9. 完成上级安排的其他工作。 Complete other tasks assigned by superior.
安全健康环境管理职责: HSE Management Responsibility: 1. 调查项目内的所有事故和侥幸避免事件。 Investigate all accidents and fluke within the project so as to avoid incident. 2. 监督维护项目内的安全工作条件和作业。 Supervise and maintain the safe working conditions and operations within the project. 3. 为项目内下属提供适当的训练,在上岗前解释岗位危险和安全规程。 Provide appropriate training to subordinates within the project and explain the job hazards and safety procedures prior to entry. 4. 加强执行安全和健康程序及操作规程,确保所管理的项目事故率为零。 Strengthen the implementation of safety and health procedures and operating procedures to ensure that the project accident rate under management is zero. 5. 认真履行环保工作法律、法规及其他管理要求中规定的环境保护管理职责 Conscientiously perform the environmental protection management duties stipulated in laws, regulations and other management requirements 6. 遵守公司环境健康安全方针 Comply with the company's HSE policy. 7. 监督下属工作,确保各项工作是符合环保要求。 Supervise the work of subordinates to ensure that the work is in line with the requirements of environmental protection.