职位福利:餐补、带薪年假、节日福利、缴纳社保、提供食宿 申明:本公司坚持平等雇佣原则,我们致力于建设一个多元、包容、无歧视的工作场所。我们采取积极行动,确保所有申请者机会均等,而不考虑候选人年龄、性别、性取向、民族、种族、肤色、家庭和婚姻状况、宗教和信仰、退伍军人身份、残疾或任何其他依法受保护的个人特征。 The company is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to an inclusive workplace with diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, color, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.