

人 · 大专 · 3-4年工作经验 · 性别不限2024/08/26发布




1. 客户质量Customer Quality
1)保证工厂质量指标(PPM/质量抱怨)与顾客跟踪保持一致 Ensure that plant quality KPIs (PPM / Customer Complaint) are the same as those followed by the customer
2) 通过审核和顾客缺陷的跟踪和采取行动计划审核来跟踪顾客的满意或不满意程度 Follow customer satisfaction/unsatisfaction through audit results and customer defects follow-up and apply action plan regarding their satisfaction level
3)批准偏差(涉及到安全法规的报警, 工厂经理批准是必须的) Can sign derogations (in case of S/R alert, Plant Manager validation is mandatory)
4) 保证交付给顾客的产品是没有任何缺陷的, 并且每个偏差都有行动计划跟踪 Ensure that all parts without any defects are delivered to the customer, and for each derogation there is an action plan followed by the plant.
5) 对于每个顾客抱怨的8D进行审核跟踪, 并确保控制计划更新. 对于外部的产品, 与SQA一起审核供应商提供的8D. Realize 8D audits regarding customer complaint and follow control plan updating. For external products, validate, with the SQA, the 8D from the supplier
6) 被授权在产品或生产过程有缺陷的情况下停止生产 He has the authority to stop the delivery in case of defect product or proces7
7) 负责批准量产阶段工装样件 Responsible of Initial samples approbation in serial life
8) 负责建立并协调每一个内部/外部抱怨的QRCI Set up and coordinate QRCI method for each internal/external complaint
9) 保证顾客的抱怨的QRCI被工厂和UAP跟踪并且保证从D3到D8是及时完成(参与分析并跟踪行动计划), 并且根据顾客的需求及时将信息告知顾客.负责任何抱怨的D3在24小时内完成 Ensure that customer complaints are treated by plant/UAP on time(D3 until D8) (particularly in term of analysis and following action) and maintain the customers inform
10)牵头分析售后退回件的分析和行动计划以增加顾客满意度并减少售后费用 Lead analysis following warranty returns in order to increase customer satisfaction and reduce warranty cost
11)负责批准量产阶段的限度样Responsible for validation of boundary sample if needed during serial life
Visit customer portals and collect customer scorecard and then inform relate person.
2. UAP质量 UAP Quality
1) 针对每一个外部/内部的抱怨发起和协调QRQC Set up and coordinate QRQC method for each internal/external complaint
2) 保证操作工是受过质量培训并且对产品和SR项是有资质的Insure that operators are quality trained and qualified in term of product and SR
3) 与UAP经理一起设立KPI并且跟踪: 报废, 偏差等等并且牵头实施每个行动计划 Set up the quality KPIs with UAP manager and follow up : scraps, derogations, ... and pilot each action plan
4) 负责每个工位质量文件的确认(标准化操作指导书, 检验作业指导书, 返工等文件)并且保证与控制计划一致 Responsible of quality document validation in each station (Standardized work, Inspection Instruction, rework documents, ...) and their coherence with the control plan
5) 收集,记录分析每个GAP的质量结果(不符合,NRFT和报废), 协调QRQC并提供信息给UAP的供应商Gather, record and analyze all GAP quality results (non-conformities, NRFT and scraps), coordinate associated QRQC and provide information to UAP suppliers
6) 支持PFMEA Support the PFMEA
7) 更新量产阶段的控制计划并且得到工厂经理的批准 Update the (project) serial life control plan and make it validated by the Plant Manager
8) 在不合格品处理有争议的时候, 最终作出判断 Responsible of making finial decision for non-confirming parts when there is different opinion
9) 现生产的质量墙管理 Serial life quality wall management
10)负责实施质量工具(强制规则, 7B, SPC等) Is responsible for the implementation of Quality Tools (Mandatory rules, 7 Basics, SPC, ...)
3. 人员管理 People Management
管理客户质量团队的工作Management of customer quality team
其他 Others
1. 学习并按照公司的ISO 45001&14001、FES体系的要求执行,以达到体系的标准要求 Learn and follow the requirements of the company's ISO 45001&14001 system in order to meet the standard requirements of the system
2. 具体的安全生产的职责详见WLDOC10B.01-2021 体系文件The specific responsibilities of safety production are detailed in the WLDOC10B.01-2021 system document.
3. 确保工作行为充分尊重了集团的道德规范和管理规范、公司的规章制度、价值观及员工手册等
Ensure full respect of Code of ethics & Code of management\ Rules and Regulations \Values\Employee handbook of the company
岗位任职资格Position Qualification
Gender 不限
*** / *** 年龄Age 25-35 语言水平
Language Skill 能英文读写,口语流利最佳
Able to read and write in English, fluent in spoken English is best
Diploma / Degree 本科 Bachelor 专业
Major 机械工程相关专业最佳
Mechanical engineering related majors are best
技能和知识 Skills & Knowhow
1. SR管理 SR management
2. 问题解决技巧(DOE,QRQC)和方法 Problem solving method and skill
3. 顾客关系--与顾客的常规联系, 质量目标, 顾客PPAP的程序, APQP报告等 Customer "requirements" in term of relationship/regular contacts (in customer plant), Q target, PPAP procedure, APQP reporting…
4. Faurecia内部QSS系统和报表 Faurecia QSS monitoring and database monitoring
5. 掌握FES中质量的要求 Understand the quality in FES
6. ISO14000/OHSAS18000/TS16949内审能力 Internal audit ability for ISO14000/OHSAS18000/TS16949
7. 过程审核能力Manufacture process audit ability
8. 调角器/滑轨的基本功能 the function of Recliners/Slides
9. 调角器/滑轨国家和欧洲法规Regulation of China & Europe for Recliners/Slides
10. Excel、Abode Reader、Word等办公软件 Excel、Abode Reader、Word etc. office software
11. 文字组织编辑能力Letter organization & edit ability
12. FES佛吉亚卓越体系和文化 Faurecia Excellence System & Culture
13. FCP佛吉亚卓越体系核心管理程序 FES Core Procedure
14. 拥有ISO/TS16949标准培训证书或内审员资格 Internal Auditor certification of TS16949
15. 能够管理并驱动团队一起推行佛吉亚质量文化并达成目标 Ability promote and drive quality culture and achieve target
16. 能够激励下属员工并在工作辅导他们 Ability to mobilize, motivate & coach people
17. 能够分析, 执行并跟踪管理层决定并且可以管理风险 Ability to analyse, act, follow up decision and manage risk
18. 能够影响内部(尊重顾客)和外部(为佛吉亚的利益)环境 Ability to influence internal (represent the customer) and external (defend Faurecia interests = negotiation) environments
19. 符合佛吉亚领导能力矩阵要求Meet the requirements of Faurecia leadership competencies Model
20. 符合佛吉亚6大价值观 Performance in line with Faurecia 6 Values.
其它 Others
1. 2年以上汽车制造行业工作经验;1年以上制造行业检验或现场管理工作经验 At least 2 years working experience in Automotive Manufacturing Industrial and at least 1 year in Quality Inspection or Shopfloor Management

座椅业务-过程质量工程师 UAP Quality Engineer9千-1万·13薪
51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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