岗位职责: - 过程质量控制 In-process Quality Control. 1.根据质量标准对产品进行检验,并出具质量报告. Conduct products inspection according to the quality standard, and draft quality report. 2.进行量具检验,出具质量报告。 Conduct gage inspection, and draft quality report. 3.根据客户的特殊要求进行质量检测,并出具报告。 Conduct special quality test according to customers' special requirement and prepare report. 4.问题及时通知生产线和QE, 确保生产过程符合公司和客户的需求。 Inform the production line and QE engineer with the issues and follow up in order to ensure the production process meets the company's and customer's needs.
- 出厂质量控制 Outgoing Quality Control. 1.根据出厂质量标准对产品进行检验,并出具质量报告 Conduct products inspection according to the outgoing quality standard,and draft quality report 2.出口质量问题及时通知生产线和QE, 以确保出库货物的质量需求。 Inform the production line and QE engineer with the outgoing quality issues in order to ensure the quality standards of outgoing goods.
任职资格: 1.初中及以上学历; Junior high school or above. 2.熟悉产品测试设备 Familiar with product test equipment. 3.基础电脑操作 Basic computer operation. 4.沟通技巧,基本分析能力,注重细节,严谨,负责,正直 Communication skill, basic analytical skill,Detail oriented, precise, accountability, integrity
个人属性和能力Personal Attributes & Competencies 1.正直; 负责任; 沟通能力强; 外向 Integrity; Accountability; Communication; Outgoing. 2.良好的逻辑思维能力,自学能力和独立解决问题的能力 Good capability of logical thinking, self-study and independent problem solving