61 根据国家的安全法律法规及阿斯利康相关安全健康的要求,协助EHS经理制定完善项目各项安全工作程序,并监督各项安全指导工作程序执行到位 61 Assist the EHS manager to develop EHS procedures in accordance with national safety laws and regulations, as well as procedures. Make sure all SHE guidances and work procedures are well implemented 61 现场做好安全检查工作,对检查出来的现场安全隐患进行监督整改 Completes on-site inspections and supervise the rectification of safety hazards identified during inspections 61 适时组织开展SHE会议,将SHE相关信息向各服务线进行传达 hold SHE committee meeting and communicate SHE informations for all service line 61 根据现场情况制定SHE培训矩阵,并实施 Establish SHE training matrix per site situation and implement 61 建立面向任务的风险管理机制,建立现场风险等级表并跟踪已识别风险的控制措施的实施 Establish Task-oriented risk management regime, establishes and maintains Site Risk Register and track the implementation of risk controls 61 建立并实施许可证管理制度,确保所有许可作业得到登记,许可条件得到监控 Establish and implements permit to work regime, makes sure all permit to works be registered and the compliance of the permit conditions 61 协助综合设施管理经理建立报告所有事故的文化,登记所有报告的事故并负责现场事故的调查 Assist IFM Manager to establish a culture of incidents reporting and responsible to register all received incidents and conduct the investigation of on-site incidents 61 建立现场应急机制并组织演练 Establish site Emergency plan and conduct drills 61 建立健全现场SHE文档管理 Establish and improves site SHE document management 61 配合进行定期SHE稽核并开展内审 Support the regular site SHE inspection and internal audit 61 协助IFM经理提交月度SHE报告 Assists IFM Manager to submit Site SHE Monthly Report 61 准备现场SHE绩效报告 Prepares the site SHE performance report 61 完成非可报告事故的调查并提交调查报告 Completes the investigation of the non-reportable incidents and submits the reports 61 建立并实施现场的QSHE培训矩阵 Establishes and implements site SHE training matrix 61 持续进行更新培训 Conducts the refresh training continually 61 建立日常的工具箱会议 Develops Daily Tool Box Meeting