上海国际消费电子技术展简介: 由上海市人民政府批准,上海市商务委员会、上海市经济和信息化委员会、上海市科学技术委员会、上海市文化和旅游局、上海市科学技术协会指导,上海市国际贸易促进委员会和中国电子商会共同主办、上海国展展览中心有限公司承办的2024上海国际消费电子技术展Tech G(简称“消费电子展”)将于2024年10月10日至12日在上海新国际博览中心举办。 “消费电子展”旨在打造面向亚太及全球市场的科技行业盛会。去年展会吸引了联想、科大讯飞、商汤、韶音、萤石、欧姆龙、飞利浦、爱普生、广汽、上汽、长安、问界、蔚来、高合、特斯拉、腾讯、全志、仪电、Meta、小派、芯原微电子、劲量电池、声联、魔声、悠伴、上戏、蓝牙技术联盟、瑞士展团等来自中国大陆、中国香港特别行政区、瑞士、德国、美国、日本、韩国、荷兰、英国、以色列等10多个国家及地区的近300家科技企业参展。举办专业论坛20余场次,近150名国内外知名专家学者、企业家代表现场参与交流。 Approved by the Shanghai Municipal Government, and under the guidance of the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatization, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Culture and Tourism Administration, and Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, the 2024 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Show (referred to as "Tech G") will be jointly organized by CCPIT Shanghai and China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, with Shanghai Intex Exhibition Co., Ltd. as the show management. The exhibition will take place from October 10th to 12th, 2024, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Tech G aims to create a grand event for the technology industry targeting the Asia-Pacific and global markets. Last year's exhibition attracted nearly 300 technology companies from more than 10 countries and regions including Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Switzerland, Germany, the USA, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, the UK, and Israel. Companies such as Lenovo, iFlytek, SenseTime, Shokz, Ezviz, Omron, Philips, Epson, GAC, SAIC, Changan, AITO, NIO, HiPhi, Tesla, Tencent, Allwinner, INESA, Meta, Pimax, VeriSilicon, Energizer, Sound United, Monster, Upany, STA, and the Bluetooth SIG participated. Over 20 professional forums were held, with nearly 150 renowned experts, scholars, and business representatives engaging in exchanges on-site.