1.组织头脑风暴,把握创意方向和视觉表达,并根据客户制定项目策略提案Managing brainstorms and develop the strategy plan for each account 2.主导比稿,接新客户Securing completely new business pitch work 3.准备完整的提案并独立讲稿Prepare and present proposals to client 4. 负责现有客户的年度创意构思及宣传策略,带领内部团队积极高效得完成创意产出Establishing excellent working relationships with senior client contact 5. 独立把控项目整体创意,优质完成创意主题、广告标语以及相关衍生发展Independently to develop the big idea, as well as the creative execution 6. 参与拟定数字营销策划提案,根据不同客户类型撰写对应的整合传播案 To develop and plan the integrated social campaign 职位要求: 1.熟悉社会化媒体平台属性及传播方式A good understanding of social media 2.很强的沟通能力Clear written and verbal communication to suit different audiences 3. 至少5年以上广告/公关行业经验,4A优先Minimum 5 years working experience in creative agency, 4A is prefer 4. 熟练使用英语,能完成英语提案Familiar with English 5. 超高的审美品味,注重细节,能独立完成工作Hands on, attention to detail 6. 非常熟悉并善于视频的创意 Familiar with the creative development of video 7. 本科以上学历Bachelor degree or above 8. 了解数字营销的创意和策略Have good sense of digital marketing