

Project Manager
人 · 本科 · 3-4年工作经验 · 性别不限2025/02/28发布





1. 确保负责项目的所有目标都能够在既定时间完成。
Make sure that all the goals of the project are met in the required time, specified in the purchase order / contract / bidding document or other binding document related to the project.
2. 与利益相关人员召开正式的项目启动会议。
Conduct a professional project kick-off meeting with all relevant stakeholders.
3. 与项目专业人员,销售人员以及管理层的内部启动会议;
Internal Kick-off with project professionals, sales & management (KT template);
4. 与项目专业人员,销售人员以及客户召开的外部启动会议;
External Kick-off with project professionals, sales & customer;
5. 为整个项目团队创建工作日程与项目计划;给项目成员委派任务;监控,回顾以及完善项目计划。
Create a work schedule and project plan for whole project team; assigning tasks to team members; monitoring, reviewing and improving plan (KT template);
6. 在管理层协助下创建可以满足KT项目关键绩效指标的预算。
Create a budget (KT template) with assistance of management that can satisfy KT Key Performance Indicator for a successful project;
7. 管理委派的项目人员(专业人员,技术人员等)使得他们可以按时保证质量地完成委派给他们的任务。
Manage assigned project staff (professionals, technicians, etc.) so that they can achieve their assigned tasks on time with a satisfying quality;
8. 激励所有的项目组成员,营造一个积极的团队环境,使得项目成员可以团结一致地应对项目执行过程中的各种困难。
Motivate all project members to create a positive atmosphere within the team and empower them to work closely together for all challenges that may arise during project execution.
9. 运用合适的IT工具有效地追踪人员以及记录人员和项目交付物 (在KT主要使用Excel & Jira 协助项目管理,使用Word 与 PowerPoint 进行文档处理,以及使用KTSH 文件服务器用于信息存储和沟通记录追踪等等。) 在文件服务器上项目经理需要创建用于存储所有本项目相关的文件(有KT模板)。所有根据项目需求创建的文档需要有专业的版本控制和有规律的备份。
Use IT effectively to keep track of people and project deliverables (at KT we mainly use Excel & Jira for Project management and Word & PowerPoint for Documentation and the KTSH File Server for Data storage, communication tracking etc.). On the file server a project folder has to be created which is used to store all project related data (KT template). All documents created for the project must have a professional version control and regular backups need to be executed.
10. 控制与管理分包商以保证他们负责的交付物可以在预算内,以令人满意的质量按时交付。
Control & manage sub-contractors ensuring project deliverables, which they are responsible for are in time within cost and with a satisfying quality .
11. 控制协调从KT其他企业实体机构(比如KT德国公司,KT美国公司等)中分配到的项目资源。保证项目在预算内,以令人满意的质量按时交付。
Control & manage project assigned resources from other KT entities such as KT Germany, KT USA, etc. ensuring project deliverables, which they are responsible for are in time within cost and with a satisfying quality.
12. 执行专业的项目管控以追踪项目所有的成本的动态状况。
Conduct a professional project controlling to keep track of all ongoing costs .
13. 与所有项目利益相关人员一起定期(至少每月一次,建议每周一次)沟通项目进展 (例如:和项目现状报告一起更新项目计划)。
Communicate project status (e.g. updated project plan at the time of the status report) to all involved project stakeholders (typical stakeholders: customer, KT project team, sales, management) regularly (at least once a month, better weekly).
14. 执行专业的由客户要求的风险管理与变革管理。所有的超出计划范围的变革需要与管理层、销售以及PMO达成一致并将细节记录下来。
Conduct a professional risk management and manage change requests by the customer. All changes to the original scope have to be agreed by management, Sales and PMO and have to be documented in detail (KT template).
15. 管理KT项目团队在客户指定场所进行工作
Manage the KT project team to work at customer specified working site,
16. 如果有需要:和项目团队一起准备专业的培训,包含合格的内容与议程;
Required: prepare a professional training together with the project team including qualified content and agenda;
17. 在KT服务器相关文档中存储所有项目相关的信息。典型的信息包括:
Store all project related information on the related folder in the KT server.
18. 与所有相关的利益相关者开展专业的经验总结流程,并且以文字形式(Word&Excel)进行总结。在管理层回顾后在公司服务器中展示给KT团队成员。
Conduct a professional lesson learned process with all involved stakeholders and summarize in written form (Word & Excel). After review by management make it available for all KT team members on the company server
19. 其他与项目成功交付相关的工作
Other tasks which are relevant to Project Success.


1. 良好的英语与普通话听说读写能力,良好的德语技能对此职位有利
English and Mandarin fluent oral and in writing are a must, good German language skills are very useful in the role.
2. 必要的计算机技能例如微软Excel, Word, PowerPoint以及使用多种的操作系统(包括Windows, Linux, Mac)的知识
Essential computer skills such as Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint as well as knowledge of multiple operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac).
3. 优秀的人际交流技能,并且能够与客户维持可信赖的关系。
Good interpersonal skills, ability to maintain a credible relationship with our clients
4. 在构建以及维护客户关系,以及识别改善双方商业成功机会有经验
Have experience in building and maintaining customer/client relationships and identifying opportunities to improve business success for both parties.
5. 优秀的组织技巧,有能力以营利***的方式高效安排工作负责
Excellent organizational skills; ability to effectively prioritize workload in the most profitable way
6. 在电子工程,机电一体化,车辆工程或自动化等方面有良好的教育背景
Good educational background with a degree in Electronical Engineering, mechatronics, vehicle engineering or automation at a major university or something comparable.
7. 能够适应多任务操作
Multi-tasking ability


51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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