岗位职责: 1、 制订所负责区域的WB设备年度计划并监督实施,做好设备预防性周期维护保养及故障维修工作,保障公司的生产设备正常运转; Set up the annual plan and ensure the implementation of plan; Regular maintenance and breakdown maintenance to ensure the equipments well worked. 2、 组织生产WB设备的安装、调试、验收,制订操作规程和维护保养指导书,培训操作人员及维修人员; Responsible for installation, debugging and inspection of the equipments Make the SOP and process the training for subordinate; 3、 确保制程受控对设备的停机率进行分析和考核;使公司生产的产品质量得到控制,和生产的正常进行; Ensure the process are under control and make the analysis and audit for the outage rate of equipments; Make sure that the quality of products are under control. 4、 负责WB设备改进工作以有效提高设备使用率和利用率;对设备供应商定期进行评估并对新设备选型提供有效的建议 Optimized equipments to improve the utilization rate; Vendor audit and provide the effective proposal for new equipment selection. 5、 负责进口备品备件申购,确保安全存量; Responsible for purchase the spare parts and ensure the safety inventory.