一、市场业务模块 Marketing 1、 负责根据公司整体战略规划和任务目标,组织制定公司市场发展目标以及市场发展策略,把握公司在行业中的发展方向和市场定位 Responsible for organizing and formulating company's marketing development goals and strategies according to company's overall strategy plan and objective, and responsible for directing company's development direction and marketing position in photovoltaic industry 2、 负责根据公司品牌定位、产品特点和不同市场的特点,制定市场推广、品牌、策划、活动、媒体宣传等方面的具体方案和预算计划,提升产品的知名度和品牌形象 Responsible for formulating specific plans and budget plans for market promotion, branding, events and activities planning, media campaign running, etc. based on company's brand positioning, product features and characteristics of different markets, to raise product popularity and brand image 3、 负责策划和实施符合公司发展战略的市场活动,充分整合和使用各种资源、渠道及手段,以目标为导向推进和调整市场营销工作 Responsible for planning and implementing activities in line with company's development strategy, promoting and adjusting marketing and sales related work in a goal-oriented manner by fully integrating and using various resources 4、 负责跟进年度市场推广计划的执行情况,定期对市场推广工作进行评估、反馈并及时调整和优化 Responsible for following up the implement status of annual market promoting plan, regularly assessing, providing feedback on promotion work, and adjusting and optimizing it in a timely manner 5、 掌握光伏市场动态和市场发展趋势,搜集市场信息、行业政策、竞争对手动向,定期制定行业市场分析报告 Responsible for familiarizing market changes and trends, collecting information, industry policies, and competitor recent information, and making industry market analysis report regularly 6、 公共关系、媒体关系、客户关系等管理 Responsible for managing public relation, media relation, customer relation, etc.
二、管理模块 Management 1、 负责所管辖员工的招聘、管理与考核 Responsible for the recruitment, management and assessment of employees in marketing department 2、 负责组织、规范销售部员工的岗位培训和作业标准,并督导实施 Responsible for organizing and standardizing training and working standards for staff in sales center, and supervising the implementation 3、 负责主持制订、修订市场课工作程序和规章制度,经批准后实施 Responsible for presiding over the formulation and revision of procedures, rules and regulations in marketing department, and implementation after approval 4、 负责制定及控制市场课各项预算 Responsible for making plans and controlling budgets in marketing department 5、 配合管理部,开展市场课内部人力资源管理工作 Responsible for cooperating with management department to carry out human resources management internally in marketing department
职位技能要求: Skill requirement: 1、 了解国内外光伏行业各项政策和行业发展趋势,熟悉行业内展会和线上线下各种渠道和资源 Familiar with policies and trends in photovoltaic industry globally, and familiar with exhibitions and various online and offline channels and resources 2、 有较强的市场感知能力,能敏锐把握市场动态、市场发展趋势的能力 Strong market perception and could keenly grasp market dynamics and market development trends 3、 有密切的媒体合作关系,具备大型活动的现场管理能力 A close media cooperation relationship and ability to manage large-scale events on-site are highly preferred 4、 熟练掌握各种办公软件 Proficient in various office software 5、 优秀的英语听说读写能力 Excellent English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills 6、 适应海内外出差 Able to taking business trips in China and abroad
工作经验要求: Experience requirement: 光伏行业内3年以上团队管理经验 More than 3 years of management experience in photovoltaic industry