1. 设计市场宣传资料内容,包括但不限于印刷品、宣传册、手册、社交媒体、网站、月度简讯等; Design marketing materials, including but not limited to print material, brochures, handbooks social media, website, newsletter, etc.; 2. 市场宣传资料的收集汇总,包括所有市场部制作的宣传资料内容; Build the library of marketing resources centrally; Present suitable library and fresh items for external vendor projects as required. 3. 负责活动运营,包括前期准备,跟进,现场执行及总结反馈等; Support marketing events planning and including preparation,implementation,following up, feedback, etc. 4. 学校活动的照片、视频拍摄及后期处理; Take photos and videos for school activities and assure editing; 5. 根据要求对校园环境进行设计及布置; Design and assure creation of visual materials too adorn of the campus environment where required; 6. 学校电子影像资料的整理及归档; To be responsible for the digital images filing and recording; 7. 完成学校及部门领导交办的其他工作 Complete other duties as assigned by the line manager.