Cortina-Access光接入和网关产品线软件驱动团队虚席以待良才加盟。该软件职位的职责是参与架构定义、软件模块设计和实现,功能包括10G/25G PON(EPON / XGEPON / GPON / XGPON / NG-PON2/…),数据包交换和处理,QoS,硬件加速,网络处理器,TCP / IP协议栈优化以及设备驱动开发等。候选人要求有上进心,心态开放积极,能够在要求严格的团队工作环境下工作。 纯研发岗位,非测试,请慎投! 职责范围: ?融入软件团队,基于不同的PON /数字家庭芯片和多服务/多处理器SoC平台,设计SDK软件模块,为客户提供最优解决方案。 ?根据内外部客户要求和开发流程,参与软硬件架构设计,进行SDK设计、编码、单元测试、集成和维护以及相关审核工作; ?基于项目情况与团队协调确定软件开发范围并计划、反馈开发进度, ?有创新意识,具备独立解决问题的能力; ?能够在压力下工作,协同团队成员取得进展并达到项目目标, 能调整和自适应工作强度以满足实现公司短期及长期目标的需求; ?支持公司内部团队之间(上海张江/加州硅谷/台湾新竹)的知识分享。 领域知识和经验要求: ?通信, 网络行业经历,尤其是嵌入式系统设计方面有5年以上的工作经验; ?电气工程或计算机科学的学士或硕士学位; ?良好的通信, 网络知识背景,尤其在数据包交换和处理,QoS,硬件加速,网络处理器,TCP / IP堆栈优化,路由,网络存储以及设备驱动器开发方面; ?丰富的C / C ++编程能力和追踪疑难问题的经验; ?具有微处理器体系结构(***是ARM)和网络处理器的工作经验; ?具有Linux内核、TCP / IP协议栈以及系统性能优化的开发经验; ?流利的英语口语和书面表达 ?具有EPON / GPON开发经验者优先 This is an engineering position in the software driver team for optical access and digital home product lines in Cortina-Access. The position requires the candidate to architect/define, design and implement functions in the areas of EPON/XGEPON/GPON/XGPON/NG-PON2, packet switching and processing, QoS, hardware acceleration, network processors, TCP/IP stack optimization, and device drive development but not limited to. A successful candidate should self-motivated, capable of working under aggressively demanding team working environment. Open minded pro-action candidate is more preferable. 任职要求:Work at software team to design software function modules based on different PON/digital home chips and multi-service/multi-processor SoC platforms. Responsibilities will include participating software architecture design and review, driver module design/review, coding/review/unit test, integration and maintenance according to system and software requirements, and conventions. ?Be a self-motivated, innovative, hands-on, and getting-things-done team player. ?Be able to work under pressure, lead team member to make progress and match project target and willing to adjust working pace under such demand. ?Estimate development schedules and determine project scope. ?Promote knowledge sharing with local and remote teams.