

人 · 本科 · 5-7年工作经验 · 性别不限2024/07/09发布




1.根据集团的整体采购计划。负责在各制造行业采购电气设备、泵、电动发动机和电子相关元件。Responsible for the sourcing electric equipment, pumps, electro engines and electronic related components in various manufacturing industries, according to the group's overall procurement plan.
2.采用多种非标准的采购方法,确保较低的采购成本和较高的采购效率。Implement various nonstandard sourcing approach to ensure low purchasing cost and fast sourcing.
3.负责新供应商的开发和审核, 按流程进行供应商筛选。审核供应商相关文件,通过公开信息源进行验证,对供应商进行生产现场审核。Responsible for the development and review of new suppliers. Arrange supplier screening process. Review suppliers documents, verification trough public sources of information, arrange supplier audit at production site.
4.负责对采购的商品进行有效的成本评估,谈判有竞争力的价格、服务和条件条款。Responsible for effective cost assessment of purchased goods, negotiation of competitive prices, services, terms and conditions, formulation.
5.每周与集团总部采购和技术部门进行沟通,及时有效跟进采购需求。Weekly communications with sourcing and technical departments of the group headquarters. Prioritize and follow up on sourcing requests.
6.组织供应商和总部采购及技术部门的电话会议,支持供应商与集团总部之间的技术和商业谈判。Organize conference call with suppliers and headquarter sourcing and technical departments. Support technical and commercial negotiations between suppliers and group headquarter.
7.负责准备、审查和谈判对公司有利的合同条款。Preparation, reviewing and negotiations contract terms in favorable to the company.
8.根据采购合同规定的交货时间和质量条件,负责协调采购货物的顺利交货和验收。Responsible for coordination for smooth delivery and acceptance of the purchased goods according to the delivery time and quality conditions specified in the purchase contract.
9.对采购过程进行有效管控,严控风险,及时解决采购过程中的各种问题。Conducted effective control over the procurement process, strictly controlled risks, and timely solved various problems in the procurement process.
10.负责分析重型机械产品的市场变化和经营趋势,预测价格变化趋势,密切跟踪国内产品价格信息和定价政策。Responsible for analyzing the market change and business trend of heavy machinery products, predicting the price change trend, closely tracking the price information and pricing policies of domestic products.
11.负责采购工作中相关文件的管理工作。Responsible for document management paperwork during sourcing and purchasing work.
12.确定并与供应商协调采购材料设备到俄罗斯境内的物流方案和交付依据。Determination and coordination with the supplier of the logistics schemes and delivery basis of materials and equipment to the territory of Russia.
13.与技术人员协调,要求和审查装运前质量控制计划。Request and review pre-shipment quality control plan, in coordination with technical specialist。
14.在规定的期限内处理采购需求,采购匹配的产品,达到客户满意,通过其他方案和现有方案的对比节省开支。Achieve compliance with standard deadlines for processing sourcing requests, achieve customer satisfaction of customers in sourcing right products, achieve savings in comparison with alternative and / or existing proposals。
15.完成总经理委派的其他工作。Undertake and assist on other activities as delegated by the General manager.
1.5年以上制造行业工作经验,主要从事电气设备、泵、电机及电子相关零部件的采购工作,有供应商资源;有以下产品采购经验者优先:More than 5 years of experience in various manufacturing industries, with targeting on sourcing and purchasing electric equipment, pumps, electro engines and electronic related components, with supplier resources; Preferred purchasing experience in following categories of products:
泵和马达Pumps and motors
高压设备High voltage equipment
低压设备 Low voltage equipment
电线产品Wiring products
照明产品Lighting products
仪表和自动化机柜Cabinets for instrumentation and automation
实验室设备Laboratory equipment
称重系统Weighing systems
消防设备Fire-fighting equipment
候选人必须有坚实的中国制造商数据基础,与下列品牌合作: Siemens, ABB, Schnieder, Bussmann, Bosch Rexroth, Wilo, IFM Electronic, Balluff, Lenze, MTS Sensors, Thermo Fisher Scientific, ZwickRoller,
2.本科及以上学历,机械制造、冶金、工程管理或相关专业,国际贸易、技术(工程)或经济教育专业。Bachelor degree or above, major in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, engineering management or related, international trade, technical (engineering) or economics education.
3.了解重型机械相关技术知识,精通相关设备技术参数、制造工艺、工厂质量标准。Understanding heavy machineries related technical knowledge, proficient in related equipment technical parameters, manufacturing process, factories quality standards
4.良好的英语听说读写能力,具备一定的专业英语基础和沟通能力,会俄语优先考虑;Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, with certain professional English foundation and communication skills; Russian language knowledge (as advantage);
5.责任心强,善于建立人际关系和团队合作,有一定的抗压能力。Strong sense of responsibility, be good at building relationships and teamwork, have certain pressure ability.
6.按照国际公司标准工作,参与跨职能团队和项目,有强大的分析能力和解决问题的能力。Work under standards of an international company. Participation in cross functional teams and projects. Strong analytical skills. Strong problem-solving abilities.
6.为人诚实稳重、忠诚、独立自主、善于主动思考、勤奋、以结果为导向的工作风格,高绩效,工作积极主动,对企业具有一定的认可度。Honest, stable, loyal, independent, positive thinking, diligent, results-oriented work style, high performance, Pro-activeness, and have a certain degree of recognition for the enterprise.

间接采购经理 Indirect Regional Category Manager2.5-4万·13薪
51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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