1. Verify Fapiao in expense reports. 核对发票是否与申请报销金额一致。 2. Prepare payment summary. 准备支付汇总表。 3. Certification of special VAT input invoices. 认证增值税专用发票。 4. Make fixed assets cards and label on new assets. 填制固定资产卡片并贴标签。 5. Responsible for bank payments and petty cash. 负责公司银行及现金收付。 6. Confirm and declare the foreign currency income. 外币入账的确认及申报。 7. Bind up the original vouchers. 装订会计凭证。 8. Make some vouchers and finance report if necessary. 制作一些凭证及报表。 9. Check bank balance at each month end. (including cash pool) 月底核对银行余额。(包括现金池) 此职位为长期实习岗位,最少实习4个月。