岗位职责: 采购和制造零件的验收 Acceptance of purchased and manufactured parts; 进货检验、外购件检验及偏差记录 Incoming goods inspection of purchased and manufactured parts, as well as recording of deviations; 采购和制造零件的挑选 Picking of purchased and manufactured parts; 管理所有货物运输的记录 Posting of all goods movements; 存货管理 Carrying out of inventories; 仓库和库存管理 Warehouse and inventory management; 机械装配或电气安装布线(有电工证优先)Mechnical assembly or Electric installation and wiring (With Electrician certificate); 能力要求: 工作细心、有条理 Careful and organized way of working; 良好的沟通能力 Good communication skills; 有团队合作意识 Have a sense of team work; 遵守工作规范 Comply with work rules。