工作概要 Summary 根据法律法规、客户要求及制定的产品规划,完成新项目的产品开发及其他各项工作;支持竞争分析工作,建立最优产品设计;开展VAVE工作;支持新业务的报价以获取新业务;支持供应商开发。能独立开展项目开发工作。 主要任务和职责 Primary Duties and Responsibilities 1. 依据法律法规、客户要求、报价假设、公司产品战略,确定产品概念。 According to laws, regulations, customer requirements, quotation assumptions, and JSS product strategy, determine the product concept. 2. 根据车身结构进行产品布置,对产品的形状,结构展开设计,使用包括FMEA,FTA,DRBFM等工具对设计可能产生的潜在失效做进行的评估和分析,并在设计中采取预防措施;同时采用GD&T,DOE等方法确定设计和产品的评价项目,并组织对于设计、产品进行评审,最终确保所设计的产品满足性能,项目进度,成本等目标 Arrange the product according to the body structure, design the product shape and structure, and use tools FMEA, FTA and DRBFM to analyze the potential failure of the design, and take preventive measures to avoid the failure; Ensure the product meets the target of performance, project schedule, cost and other objectives. 3. 总结经验、教训,进行专利学习、竞争分析,结合理论知识,对应用开发产品进行设计优化 4. 支持核心科室,按计划研究并开发出科学有效的产品开发验证方法,提升产品开发的效率及质量 5. 根据客户的需求和项目的需求,提出所负责产品的VAVE方案,并完成相关的工程开发工作 According to the customers needs and VAVE projects, put forward the VAVE plan and complete the related engineering development work. 6. 新业务报价支持,根据以往相同客户相同产品的开发经验,支持CPP进行产品布置和编写分析报告,参与CPP小组提出的报价方案的评审,提供相应的工程建议。 New business quotation support. According to the experience of customers and product development, participate in the work of new business quotation led by CPP team, and provide corresponding engineering suggestions. 7. 依据内部传递的客户订单,委托样件试制,支持样件检验、样件入库等,支持完成客户开发阶段样品的准备。According to the customer orders, release the sample trial order, support the sample inspection, sample warehousing, etc., and support the completion of the sample preparation in the development stage. 8. 制定客户产品开发试验大纲(DV, PV),安排实验样件和跟踪实验结果,并参与完成相应的失效分析和解决,保证客户的时间节点。Support to complete the testing of DV phase, and participate in the issue analysis and solving, to ensure the customer's schedule. 9. 开发阶段的质量问题分析解决;牵头分析和解决DV节点前质量问题,包括供应商质量、产品设计问题、尺寸累积问题等。 Lead the analysis and solution of quality issues in DV stage, including supplier quality, product design problems, dimension accumulation problems, etc. 10. 支持生产线工艺策划:针对产品质量问题,参与质量分析,协助解决产品质量问题. Support the process planning of production line; Participate in quality analysis to solve quality issues. 11. 供应商开发支持:根据公司业务发展规划及需要,支持相关业务部门对相关供应商进行开发,提高、完善其能力。Supplier development support. Support relevant departments to develop relevant suppliers and improve their capabilities according to the business development plan and needs. 12. 知识管理:定期进行产品零件信息的收集和汇总;按要求更新设计指导手册、设计检查清单、模板图纸、平台DFMEA等核心知识 Knowledge Management. Update design guide line, checklist, drawing template, DFMEA and other core knowledge as required. 学历&经验Education & Experience: 1. 相关专业本科学历。 Bachelor degree or equivalent, major in Engineering or other related. 2. 两年及以上汽车行业产品开发相关工作经验。 Above 2 years in products development work experience. 技能Skills: 1. 熟悉产品开发的流程; 2. 熟悉相关产品的产品结构、材料选择、性能要求; 3. 掌握并能运用形状和位置公差方面的知识; 4. 了解相关产品的试验要求; 5. 了解制造和装配过程中的相关知识; 6. 了解产品投产的要求,了解设计对制造性的影响。 7. 了解质量管理体系方面知识,能够使用质量工具,如SPC,MSA,QFD,FMEA,APQP,PPAP等; 8. 很强的主动性和执行力; 9. 良好的英语口语与书面能力;和/或其它语言能力(视项目需要决定)。