公司介绍:世德电子元件(上海)有限公司成立于2011年,是德国steute(世德)在中国上海投资成立的全资子公司,Steute专注于控制技术50余年,致力于为客户提供高品质,高可靠性的产品解决方案。 主营:医疗设备,海上工程,极端环境,工业4.0智能制造都有自己的产品和解决方案,为了进一步加大国内市场开发了力度,诚邀有志者的加入。 职位:上海销售工程师 汇报对象: 华东/南区销售经理 主要职责: 1. 定向开发华东区域医疗设备,工业客户,制定并完成销售目标。 2. 跟进展会来访客户,电话咨询客户,进行实地客户拜访,了解客户需求,提供产品解决方案。 3. 跟踪客户订单,协调工厂及时完成客户产品交付。 4. 定期拜访客户,保持良好沟通,实时把握客户需求 5. 制定新客户开发计划,寻求项目机会,配合客户完成设计,报价,谈判,下单,收款等。 申请要求: 2年以上工业品销售经验,医疗销售经验优先。 做事细致认真,愿意学习新知识。 愿意承担部分内部销售工作,处理部分订单工作。 具有团队合作精神,能适应出差需要 基本的英文听说能力 大专及以上学历 工作地址:上海浦江镇 薪资:10000~13000RMB/M Company profile; Steute. Electrical Components ( Shanghai ) Co., Ltd founded in 2011, headquarter locates in East Westphalia, a center of German engineering and electric. For more than fifty years we have been developing and manufacturing high-quality switchgear, sensors and control units for industrial automation building automation. Our focus is on four business fields, all of which have their own particular demands: Wireless, Automation, Extreme and Medical. Position:Sales engineer (Shanghai) Report to: Regional Sales Manger(East & South China) Major Responsibility; 1. Develop and maintain medical customer in East of China. 2. Follow up customer leads and make our product proposal. 3. Achieve yearly sales targets. 4. Customer visit, communication regularly, understand customer demand and get customer RFQ 5. Follow up customer’s orders quality complain etc. Requirements: 2+ years sales experience. Team worker Good English skill College or above Location; Pujiang town Shanghai Salary; 10000~13000RMB/M