1. Research international and regional associations, meetings and events to support business development in offices around the world. 调研国际协会和大会来为全球分公司提供业务发展支持。 2. Collect and Analyse the industry data from various channels and compile insights reports. 从不同渠道收集并分析行业数据并完成洞察力报告。 3. Conduct surveys and client interviews for specific industries 收集并完成专业领域的客户访谈。 4. Leverage statistics tools to analyse and present data 使用统计工具来分析和呈现数据。 5. Learn world’s leading trainings on Business Analysis. 将有机会接受世界水准的商业分析培训。 6. Support team members and clients in different regions worldwide. 服务于位于全球不同地区的同事和客户。 任职资格Job Requirements: 1. 2+ years of experience in market research or consultancy is preferred. 有2年以上的市场调研或咨询领域经验。 2. Good English communication skills (mainly written and reading). CET 6. 良好的英语沟通技能(主要是写作和阅读能力)。通过英语6级。 3. Have a good command of Microsoft Office tools (mainly including Word, PPT, Excel). 熟练掌握微软办公室操作软件主要有Word, PPT 和Excel。