As an Order Processing Assistant, you need to do: 1. Process, arrange and track all sales orders with customers 独立处理、安排并跟踪向客户销售订单操作全流程 2. Process, arrange and track all purchase orders with HQ 独立处理、安排并跟踪向总部采购订单操作全流程 3. Process the repair order of customer equipments 独立处理、安排并跟踪客户设备维修订单操作全流程 4. Handle supplier information maintenance, vendor-code related documents 处理供应商信息维护、供应商建档等相关文件 5. Handle import/export in order processing 订单处理中进出口通关所有事宜 6. Maintain all data generated in order processing into ERP system or other files 在ERP系统及其他文件中维护录入所有数据 7. Apply for HazChem registration or necessary import/export license during order processing 订单处理过程中必要的进出口化学品注册和进出口证书申请 8. Ensure smooth coordination among Sales, Customers, Logistic partners and HQ in Germany 确保与销售部,客户,物流供应商及德国总部之间的顺利协调 9. Arrange packing accessories 处理辅料事宜 10. Bill reconciliation 相关的对账工作 11. Other work assigned by supervisor 领导布置的其他工作 Qualifications: ? University degree, at least 3 years of working experience in handling orders ? Enough English skill for office work ? Strong proficiency in Microsoft Office ? stable, highly-motivated, well organized, detail oriented, highly-committed, friendly