工作职责: Responsibilities: 1) 推广美诺产品品牌; Avocation of Amsino Brand 2)准备并参加国际和地区医疗展会; Prepare and attend international and regional medical shows. 3)开发新的分销合作伙伴并管理现有分销商; Develop new distribution partners and manage existing distributors. 4)为分销商和医院提供公司产品培训; Provide Amsino product trainings to distributors and hospitals. 5)为分销合作伙伴投标提供支持; Support distribution partners on tenders. 6)与RA团队合作,协调并支持分销商获得当地市场准入批准(完成产品注册); Work with RA team to coordinate and support distributors on local market entry approval (product registration). 7)与运营团队合作,协调并支持分销订单发货; Work with Operations team to coordinate and support distributors orders and shipment, as an escalation path. 8)维护、续订和管理分销合同; Maintain, renew and manage the distribution contracts. 9)定期与分销合作伙伴进行业务审查; Business review with distribution partners on regular base. 10)与规划团队合作进行业务/销售预测 ; Work with Planning team on business/sales forecast. 11)制定并执行年度销售和费用预算; Develop and execute the annual budget of sales and expense. 12)出差拜访合作伙伴和客户。 Travel to responsible regions and visit partners and customers. 任职资格: Qualifications: 1) 本科及以上学历; Bachelor degree or above. 2)至少三年以上的销售经历,其中至少2年以上的医疗器械行业销售经验; Minimum 3 years working experience, including 2 years of medical device industry 3)熟练的西班牙语以及英语听说读写能力; Fluent Spanish and English speaking, listening, reading and writing skill 4)可接受定期出差。 Available to travel on regular base.