岗位职责: 1、负责工厂公用系统,如洁净空调系统(沉降菌、浮游菌、表面微生物、悬浮粒子)、压缩空气、纯化水、饮用水等的取样监测工作。 Responsible for sampling and monitoring of Utility System for Plant, , such as clean air conditioning systems (settling bacteria, planktonic bacteria, surface microorganisms, suspended particles), compressed air, purified water, drinking water, etc. 2、负责记录、报告公用系统测试结果。 Responsible for recording and reporting Utility System test results. 3、及时向上级报告OOS和OOT,并参与调查、分析和改进。 Report OOS and OOT to superior in time and participate in investigation, analysis and improvement. 4、完成主管指派的其他职责。 Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
任职条件: 1、专科及以上学历,主修微生物学、生物化学、生物技术或相关学科。 At least college degree, major in microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, or related subjects. 2、2年以上制药或相关行业微生物取样检测工作经验。 At least 2 years working experience in microbiological sampling and testing in pharmaceutical industry. 3、熟悉粒子计数器、浮游菌采样仪等仪器,有丰富的操作经验。 Familiar with particle counters, planktonic bacteria samplers, and other instruments, have rich experience in operation. 4、熟悉GMP实验室的法规相关要求。 Familiar with the regulator requirements of GMP Lab. 5、有清洁区域环境监测经验,包括尘埃粒子、浮游生物、沉降细菌、表面微生物等。 Experience in clean area environmental monitoring, including dust particles, airborne microbe, settling microbe, surface microorganisms, etc. 6、战略思维、团队合作和成长心态。 Strategic thinking, Teamwork and Growth mindset. 7、性格好,吃苦耐劳,有较强的品质意识,较强的服务意识。 Good personality, hardworking, strong quality mind, strong service mind.