德意志银行DB,Technical Support 4人团队,支持上海办公室400+终端,优先考虑做过IT资产管理,excel能力强,处理过部门费用的人选 2年以上工作经验以上,英语可作为工作语言(口语不要能沟通,有global项目),有一定IT基础,愿意学习优秀者也会考虑 工作地址:陆家嘴国金中心二期 预算税前13K*12,全额缴纳,六险一金,带薪年休假法定+5,带薪病假 长期岗位,通过DB面试,与外企德科签订劳动合同 JD仅供参考,无任何意义~ 要求: - Proficiency in written and spoken English and Mandarin - 1-20 years or above working experience in related industry. - Good command of English and mandarin - High energy and enthusiasm/ compulsion to do whatever it takes to reach a successful outcome - Passionate about teaming for results/ ability to work independently - High tolerance for ambiguity - Team lead experience will be a plus - No serious user complaints - No significant operating mistake - Proficiency in end user support or in the core infrastructure areas such as network, database and servers etc. - Senior members should have proficient project management skills and have capability to handle the complicated infrastructure related projects. Make sure the project could be delivered within the budget and timeline.