驻场世界500强外企花旗金融,核心稳定项目,全额缴纳社保公积金,补充商业保险,14天年假,年终奖,不加班,每周2-3申请居家办公,外企自由开放的办公环境,不加班,2年左右可以转花旗正编岗位 核心要求:Java能力+英文流利 期待合适的您们投递简历,详细给您介绍哦 Besides the regular skillset needs, this time we hope we can look for the candidates meeting below mandatory requirements: 80proficient in Java programming language 80proficient in Spring framework and its ecosystem 80proficient in Oracle based SQL programming 80good communication skill in English. 80proven good ownership and team work spirit