

仓库协调员 (欢迎残障人士加入)
人 · 大专 · 5-7年工作经验 · 性别不限2024/09/08发布




At Cummins, we are an equal opportunity employer dedicated to diversity in
the workplace. We attract and consider all qualified persons.
We respect individual differences, value overall diversity, and are always
committed to providing equal opportunities for every candidate, powering your
l 安全管理:负责现场收货团队的安全运营,确保实现全年无事故的安全绩效目标。
l 团队管理:领导一个规模为15-20人的收货团队,监督日常作业遵循SOP标准操作流程。
l 进度监控:管理每日收货进度,保证收货效率,达成既定KPI指标。
l 异常处理:及时解决收货过程中出现的异常情况,与内外部团队有效沟通协调。
l 人员调度:与仓库内部团队紧密合作,安排日常人员与工作计划。
l 5S管理:执行日常仓库5S检查,维护良好的工作环境。
l 培训与考核:对团队成员进行安全培训及日常技能提升训练,实施考核与激励机制。
l 数据分析:运用Power BI、Power Pivot等工具分析日常运营数据。
l 流程优化:识别流程改进点,并更新工作指导文件(WI文件)。
l 健康、安全和环境 (HSE)
l 停止工作并立即报告任何重大伤害危险。
l 报告任何与工作有关的伤害、疾病、事件或危害。
l 遵守 HSE 标准、政策、程序和规定。
l 使用合适的个人防护装备。
l 通过互相关照来促进互相依存。
l 在您的控制和能力范围内消除危害。
l 认识到您的工作可能对环境产生影响,并努力减少负面影响。
l 领导 HSE 培训并积极参与员工队伍建设。
l 遵循所有适用的标准工作、工作指导/过程文件和既定的质量程序。
l 提出问题以最小化成本和质量风险。
l 执行质量检查以查看货物是否损坏,以及货物和发票之间是否存在差异。
l 识别和控制不合格材料。
l 接收抵港货物,准确地分类、贴标/打包及存放货物,并安排货物存储以优化仓库空间。
l 根据客户的期望操作手动和自动化设备来挑选、包装和运送产品。
l 在核心工作技能方面表现出高水平的能力。
l 在必要的周期时间内或根据定义的工程标准工作。
l 与指派的团队和所有支持团队进行有效沟通。
l 确保按照业务要求完成培训。
l 寻找促进质量、安全、流程、物流和员工发展的方法。
l 确保工作区域整洁有序,包括日常清洁工作和机器清洁工作,并根据计划支持操作员保养和维护工作。
l 保持灵活性并根据需要执行其他交办的工作,以实现业务目标。
l 与同事、熟练工人和支持人员合作,维护和识别需要维修的设备。
l 工作经验:具备3-5年仓库日常运营与管理经验,有汽配仓库背景者优先。
l 工作态度:能适应工作需要的加班安排,接受翻班制度。
l 管理经验:具有团队管理的实际经验。
l 软件技能:熟悉仓库管理软件的使用。
l 数据分析能力:具备一定的数据分析与处理能力。
l 叉车技能:持有叉车驾驶证且能熟练驾驶者更佳。
l 协作 - 建立合作伙伴关系并与他人协作,以达成共同目标。
l 有效沟通 - 发展和实现多模式沟通,清晰了解不同受众的特定需求。
l 以顾客为中心 - 建立稳固的顾客关系,提供以顾客为中心的解决方案。
l 决策质量 - 及时作出高质量的决策,推动组织发展。
l 追求结果 - 一贯地达成绩效,即使是在艰难的情况下也是如此。
l 确保承担责任 - 确保自己和他人为实现承诺负责。
l 自我发展 - 使用正式和非正式发展渠道,积极寻找新的方式发展和锻炼自己。
l 运输方式选择 - 评估并选择适当的运输方式和设备类型,通过针对业务需求的出货量分析,确保提供***的运输方式(平衡成本、质量和时间)。
l 贸易知识运用 - 运用相关贸易法规知识来管控康明斯流程和系统,***限度降低贸易风险和成本。
l 仓库库存控制 - 利用库存控制方法管理实地盘存,以维护库存并满足客户期望。
l 仓库操作 - 利用仓储工具、系统和方法,以满足入库和出库操作的规定指标。
l 看重差异性 - 认识到不同视角和文化给组织带来的价值。
教育, 执照, 认证
l 高中毕业证书或中等教育毕业证书或同等经验,只要这些经验符合适用法规。
l 具有商业、工程或相关专业的大专、本科或同学历者优先。
l 该职位可能需要获得有关遵守出口管制或制裁法规的许可证。
l 需要通过相关领域(例如物流、仓储和第三方物流提供商管理)的教育、培训或在职经历获得重要的相关工作经验或专业技能。
Job Responsibilities
l Under minimal supervision, coordinates operations through interaction
with operations management. Coordinates activities for different areas like
Inbound, Outbound,
Kitting, etc. based on direction from Operations management.
l Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE)
l Stop work and immediately report any major injury hazards.
l Report any work-related injury, illness, incident or hazard.
l Comply with HSE standards, policies, procedures & regulations.
l Use appropriate personal protective equipment.
l Promote interdependence by looking out for one another.
l Correct hazards within your control and capabilities.
l Recognize how your work may impact the environment and work to minimize
the negative
l Lead HSE Training and actively engage workforce.
l Quality
l Follows all applicable standard work, work instruction/process
documentation and
established quality procedures.
l Raises issues to minimize cost and quality exposures.
l Performs
quality checks for damage and for discrepancies between goods and invoices.
l Identifies
and controls non-conforming material.
l Delivery
l Receive
incoming goods, accurately sort, label/package, store goods and arrange
to optimize warehouse space.
l Operates
manual and automated equipment to pick, pack and ship product per the customer
l Demonstrates
a high level of competency in core work skills.
l Works at the
required cycle time or defined engineering standard.
l Teamwork
l Communicates
effectively with the assigned team and with all support teams.
l Ensures
training completion in line with business requirements.
l Seeks ways
to improve quality, safety, process, material flow, and employee development.
l Ensures
clean and orderly work area, including routine housekeeping tasks and machine
cleaning tasks and supports planned operator care and maintenance tasks.
l Remains
flexible and performs other miscellaneous duties, as required, to meet
l Works with
peers, skilled trades and support staff to maintain and identify equipment in
need of repair.
l Ensures
accountability - Holding self and others accountable to meet commitments.
l Collaborates
- Building partnerships and working collaboratively with others to meet shared
l Communicates
effectively - Developing and delivering multi-mode communications that convey
clear understanding of the unique needs of different audiences.
l Customer
focus - Building strong customer relationships and delivering customer-centric
l Drives
results - Consistently achieving results, even under tough circumstances.
l Decision
quality - Making good and timely decisions that keep the organization moving
l Self-development
- Actively seeking new ways to grow and be challenged using both formal and
informal development channels.
l Warehouse
Inventory Control - Manages physical inventory utilizing inventory control
methodologies to maintain inventory and meet customer expectations.
l Warehouse
Operations - Utilizes warehousing tools, systems, and methodologies to meet
defined metrics for inbound and outbound operations of a warehouse.
l Trade
Knowledge Application - Applies knowledge of relevant trade regulations to
Cummins processes and systems to minimize trade risks and costs.
l Mode
Selection - Evaluates and selects appropriate transportation mode and
type by lane through shipment volume analysis against business requirements to
provide optimal shipping method (balance cost, quality and time).
Education, Licenses, Certifications
l High school
diploma or certificate of completion of secondary education or equivalent
experience to the extent such experience meets applicable regulations.
l A two year University degree from an accredited program in Business,
Engineering or a
relevant field of study preferred.
l This position may require licensing for compliance with export controls
or sanctions
l Requires significant relevant work experience or specialized skills
obtained through
education, training or on-the-job experience in a related field such as
logistics, warehousing and third party logistics provider management.

Operation Coordinator 仓库协调员8.5千-1万·13薪
仓库管理员 Warehouse Keeper6千-1万
51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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