校招-职位名称2025 Campus-Test Engineer(PS:FHB)/测试工程师(食品健康美护部) 职位概述 This position is responsible for performing food/drug/water chemical testing. 岗位职责 1. Carry out daily chemical testing work by working plan; 50% 2. Follow commercial standards and WI for each chemical testing; 20% 3. R&D testing new methods and finish method validation; 5% 4. Keep the testing equipment and facility in good performance; 5% 5. Keep clear/detail record of the testing process and the testing data is easy to be traced; 10% 6. Perform other duties assigned by Supervisor. 10% 任职条件 1. Bachelor degree or above, major in food/drug; 2. Knowledge of international standards for chemical testing; 3. Knowledge of ISO17025 is a plus; 4. Good understanding and fulfillment to working related targets, standards, policies, procedures and instructions; 5. Respect and safeguard company’s image, reputation and benefit; 6. Diligence, self-motivation, self-improvement and strong teamwork spirit; 7. Good computer skill; 8. Good command of English; 9. Physical condition allows normal working, stable outputs and business trip as required. 部门概述 作为一家安全、可靠和可持续发展解决方案等方面值得信赖的合作伙伴,T05V S05D提供测试、认证、审核及知识服务。自 1866 年以来,集团始终致力于通过保护人类、环境和资产免受相关技术风险的影响,从而实现进步。总部位于德国慕尼黑的 T05V S05D在全球设立了1,000 多个办事处,并拥有超过 25,000 名员工,通过实现市场准入和控制风险,为客户和合作伙伴增加价值。 T05V S05D正积极参与到技术发展及设施更替的过程中,激发对现实和数字世界的信任,以创造更安全、更可持续发展的未来。