POSITION OVERVIEW:The IGBT Chip Director is responsible for ensuring that high power device has the best and most competitive technology, both for operating in the present- day market and for stepping into the future. The suitable candidate is required to carry out key tasks and to meet the deadline of the project. The successful candidate will work with high power chip technology development team to design and develop advanced high-power chips.KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:61Coach, mentor, manage and recruit team members61Responsible for the technological capability of the corporation, in particular ensuring that it has the best and most competitive technology appropriate for its business needs, taking into account both performance and cost.61For future technologies that the industry is moving towards, the role should take the responsibility for guiding the business to make the right strategic choice of which is best suited to our business needs61Ensure the R & D team achieve best-in-class results in terms of choosing the appropriate technology and design for any project, meeting agreed timescale and cost targets.61R&D experience of the latest IGBT technology in 12” wafer fab is a plus61Maintain specialist knowledge and strategic understanding of the future market needs, in particular the technology direction of the industry. Have a high degree of familiarity with relevant novel technologies that are being worked on by competitors, potential technology partners, and in research and academia, and based on that be able to offer guidance and advice to the business on the choice of future technology to invest in61Take overall technical responsibility for the IGBT chip business: Ensure professional and high-quality output of all work from the IGBT chip design team. Take “dotted line responsibility” also for the output from technical members in other functions (e.g. Applications and Quality), in particular ensuring that technical communications to customers are of the highest quality and accuracy, projecting a professional image for the company. Maintain technology and product roadmap content, product portfolio and industrial strategySKILLS/COMPETENCIES(Top 3-7 most important/critical competencies needed for the job both soft and hard skills):61Hard Skills:61Chip Design Director is both a managerial role and a highly technical and professional one61Take responsibility for the continuous growth and advance of the technical capability within the company.61Key technical representative of IGBT chip technology interfacing with external organizations61Recruit suitable technology experts from outside to meet our needs for new innovative work.61Train and advance the skills of existing technical employees to expand their capability and responsibility.61Encourage and manage the process of producing technical publications and invention patents.61Soft Skills:61Excellent analytical skills and structured work approach61Motivate team of engineers61The job-holder needs to have excellent understanding of and insight into both the technical and business dimensions of package technology.61He/she needs to operate with a high degree of self-confidence and commands the respect of his/her colleagues, in order to have the authority to make important decisions regarding technology options on behalf of the business.61Excellent communication skills and a firm grasp of any discussion subject regarding our business and technologyTalent acquisition based on Nexperia vacancies is not appreciated. Nexperia job adverts are Nexperia copyright© material and the word Nexperia® is a registered trademark.Nexperia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.职位要求:Same as above.个人信息处理规则声明Nexperia高度重视对求职者个人信息的保护。为招聘目的,Nexperia及其委托的第三方机构会通过招聘平台获取求职者的求职意向和简历,并将以邮件或短信等方式联系求职者,以征求您对Nexperia与招聘相关的个人信息保护政策的同意。敬请您留意相关邮件或短信。如您对我们的相关个人信息处理规则有任何疑问,或希望查阅、复制、转移、更正、补充或删除其个人信息的,均可通过我们在个人信息保护政策中留下的方式联系我们。为保障个人信息安全,我们可能会先要求验证您的身份,再处理相关请求。请您仔细阅读并确认您已经充分理解本声明的内容,在确认充分理解并同意后再向我们提供您的简历信息或其他个人信息。如您向我们提供您的简历信息或其他个人信息的,则视为您已经充分理解并同意我们可以按照本声明所述的目的和方式以及Nexperia与招聘相关的个人信息保护政策处理您的个人信息(包括敏感个人信息)。如您对此有任何疑问或者不同意,请勿提交简历信息或其他个人信息。