职位描述:服务工程师 你的工作职责包括(但是不仅限于): 61 Understand the equipment being serviced and how it is used to save lives; 懂得被维修服务的设备以及该设备如何在紧急时刻被使用来挽救生命。 61 Study and pass written and practical examinations in order to obtain personal authorisations for servicing of different equipment; 学习并通过实践和理论知识的考核,从而获得维修服务我公司不同设备的资格。 61 Carry out service on different equipment as per the VIKING service manual and as instructed by your Supervisors; 在公司维修服务手册和部门经理的指导下,能够操作不同设备的维修服务。 61 Fill in the service report during service and register which spare parts are used; 在整个维修服务过程中,能够独立完成维修服务报告,并且能注明哪些零件被更换和它们的有效期。 61 Carry out service tasks effectively and efficiently and issue related documents accordingly; 有序并且有效地完成维修服务任务,并及时签发相关文件。 61 Proactively seek clarifications if a problem is encountered to ensure that time is not wasted or service quality is compromised; 当某个维修工作任务出现问题时,应积极寻找解决方案, 而不至于浪费维修时间或者使维修服务质量出现问题。 61 Maintain the equipment and facility of station according to the maintenance plan. 61 根据公司设备保养计划负责对设备的维护保养。 61 Assist with other handy *** tasks to ensure the upkeep of the service station facilities and equipment’s. 61 协助其他人员对公司设备的检修工作 61 Keep the spare part stock balance. 61 对备件库存进行管控,保持帐物相符。 61 Be a Team Player; 61 具有良好的团队合作精神。 61 All other reasonable tasks that promote VIKING’s business 61 以及其他合理的促进公司发展的职责。
岗位要求: 1) College degree or above,graduate student also acceptable大专及以上学历,应届生也可; 2) Basic English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills英语能够听说读写; 3) Maritime industry service working experience are preferred 有海事服务行业从业经验优先;