岗位职责 Collect and check orders from sales team, customers, by telephone, fax, email, etc. 收集并检查从销售团队、客户处通过电话、传真以及邮件等途径收到的订单 Complete order approval flow and order entry in System, accurate, completely 准时、准确的完成订单审批以及系统的录入工作 Follow up credit blocked orders and feedback the information to Business team in time 跟进资信被锁订单的进度, 及时将信息反馈给业务团队 Proper use and familiar with all kinds of systems or tools to assist to handle customer inquires 合理并熟练运用各类系统或工具来辅助处理客户来电问讯 Communicate with Sales, finance, logistic for order release related issues 保持与销售、财务、物流等部门就订单相关问题的有效沟通
任职要求 Good communication skill 良好的沟通技巧 Quick thinking, dealing with emergency 思维敏捷,应变能力强 Good responsibility, hard working and integrity, team work spirit, good at learning 责任心强,工作认真负责,为人诚信,具有团队合作精神,良好的学习能力 Experience with SAP is preferred, but if not, experience with other ERP systems is acceptable. 有SAP经验***,不然要有其他ERP系统的操作经验