Responsible for application center facilities and whole system(air spray/electrostatic spray/digital print)commissioning. Organizing regular maintenance. Monitoring the operation of the devices. Drive Continuous improvement and optimization to decrease equipment failure rate. 负责喷涂应用中心设备(空气喷涂,静电喷涂,数字打印)的调试及运营,组织人员对机械设备进行定期的保养维护。监控设备的运行情况,推动设备持续改进优化,降低设备故障率。
Responsible for facility technology and practice communication and cooperation with global vendors、customers and other region lab’s counterparts. 负责与global设备供应商,客户及本公司其他国家实验室同事的设备技术对接和交流。
Responsible for spare parts and consumable items management as well as inventory of fixed asset. Introduction of new equipment. 负责喷涂设备相关的备件、耗材、固定资产的盘点及新设备的引入。
Facility/application related project management. 设备及应用相关的项目的管理。