工作职责: 61 直接支持商业领袖。 Direct support to business leaders. 61 协调/管理领导者的日程安排。 Coordinate/manage schedules for leaders. 61 创建/准备信件和复杂的演示文稿。开发数据库/电子表格。 Create/prepare correspondence and complex presentations. Develop database/spreadsheets. 61 协调旅行安排。 Coordinate travel arrangements. 61 将参与项目管理/活动协调。在规定的预算内协调大型活动。 Will be involved with project management/event coordination. Coordinate large scale events within defined budget. 61 可能负责计时协调和分析。 May be responsible for timekeeping coordination and analysis. 61 在行政社区内建立伙伴关系角色。 Establish partnership role within the administrative community