Key duties and responsibilities: 主要工作职责: (1) Competently install, maintain and operate all show control equipment as needed for training, special events, rehearsals and shows; 熟练地安装、维护和操作培训、特殊活动、排练和演出所需的所有演出控制设备; (2) Assist with the stage equipment including lighting, video, automation, scenery, props, etc. during setup, rehearsals and performances; 在舞台搭建、排练和演出过程中,协助完成舞台设备,包括灯光、录像、自动化、布景、道具等; (3) Work as a team member in the show control and in collaboration with all other operation department; 作为团队成员在演出控制工作,并与所有其他运营部门协作; (4) Develop a thorough knowledge of all show control Department equipment specific to Puy du Fou in order to operate and maintain mechanized and manual equipment safely; 全面了解公司所有设备,以便安全操作和维护机械设备和手动设备; (5) Assist with the establishment of a safe working environment at all times and conform to all safety standards; 随时协助建立安全的工作环境,并符合各项安全标准; (6) Be available and flexible for day work schedules, work calls, special events, rehearsals, training, maintenance and evening show performances; 能够灵活安排日间工作、工作电话、特殊活动、排练、培训、维护和晚间演出; (7) Participate in the regular, thorough and diligent inspection of all installations as assigned; 按照规定,参加对所有设备的定期、彻底的检查; (8) Act as a professional stage technician with ready access to required hand tools; 担任专业舞台技术人员,随时使用所需的手工工具; (9) Assist with the show control documentation to insure it is current and formally recorded to preserve the original intention of the designers; 协助演出控制的文件编制,确保文件的及时性和正式记录,以保存设计师的初衷; (10) Under the supervision of the Head of show control, insure that equipment and supplies are stocked in sufficient quantity to insure the ongoing needs of the operation; 在演出控制负责人的监督下,确保设备和用品有足够数量的储备,以确保运营的持续需求; (11) Attend to maintenance and inspection of all Show control systems, on a regular schedule to insure thorough, timely scrutiny of all gear within the show area; 负责演出系统的维护和检查,定期对演出区域内的所有设备进行全面、及时的检查; (12) Participate in helpful, respectful and clear communication with other crew, stage management, and technical department; 与其他工作人员、舞台管理和技术部门进行互帮互助、相互尊重和清晰的沟通; (13) Perform other related tasks as assigned to you by the Head of show control. 完成演出控制技术负责人分配的其他任务。
Knowledge, skills and education required: 必备的知识、技能和教育背景: (1) College Diploma (or equivalent) in live stage performance or theatre production (or equivalent work experience); 现场舞台表演或戏剧制作大专文凭(或同等学历)(或同等工作经验); (2) Minimum 2 years' relevant experience working in show control Department with large-scale productions; 至少2年在演出控制技术部门从事大型制作的相关工作经验; (3) Good general understanding of all technical aspects of a show; 对演出的技术方面有良好的整体了解; (4) Self-motivated and highly organized; 上进心强,组织能力强; (5) Good communication skills and able to work with a large technical team; 良好的沟通能力并且能够与大型技术团队合作; (6) Understanding of theatre safe practices and safety standard; 了解剧院的安全操作和安全标准;