1. Advanced module process development and baseline sustaining. 2. Process stability/manufacturability improvement for yield and reliability qualification. 3. Working with a team which may include device, integration, yield, module, manufacturing and external suppliers to drive leading-edge integrated module development, control and improvements. 任职要求: 1.良好的解决问题能力,沟通能力,团队精神,积极的学习态度,英语能力强。 2.具有良好的开放式沟通能力,能够在跨职能团队中工作,包括内部和外部合作伙伴。 3.英语流利。 4.较强的统计过程控制(SPC)和/或实验设计(DOE)原理知识。 5.需要基于基础而非经验模型的强大的技术问题解决和分析能力。 6.动手参与和强烈的主人翁精神。 7.可以适应Fab内的工作环境,接受小夜班。
1. Minimum Master degrees in Bachelor Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry or a related engineer discipline. 2. Exhibit good and open communication skills, be able to work within cross-functional teams, including internal and external partners. 3. Fluent in English. 4. Strong knowledge of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and/or Design of Experiments (DOE) principles. 5. Strong technical problem-solving and analytical skills, based upon fundamental, rather than empirical models is required. 6. Hands-on participation and a strong sense of ownership. 7. Willingness to make frequent fab presence.