职责:Responsibilities 1、 出口退税申请等全盘网上申报 Online VAT refund declaration for export business and other related matters 2、 ERP内总账、明细账凭证审核及整合操作 Checking/integrating general ledger and detailed ledger vouchers in ERP system 3、 ERP内付款、报销、成本等的审核 Reviewing/checking payment, reimbursement and COS in ERP system 4、 部门领导安排的其它工作 Other tasks team leader assigned.
要求:Requirements 1、具5年以上相关财务工作经验 Above 5 years related working experiences. 2、有中级会计职称 Certificate of intermediate accounting professional qualification. 3、熟悉相关财务法律法规及外汇管理政策 Familiar with relevant financial laws, regulations, and foreign exchange management policies. 4、有外部审计资料准备经验 Experience in external audit preparation. 5、有进出口贸易背景或纺织品相关行业工作经验者优先 Import & Export trade background or working experiences in textiles related industries is preferrable. 6、能进行日常工作上的口语和书面英语交流 Able to communicate in both oral and written in English. 7、有Odoo或其它ERP系统使用经验佳 Experiences on Odoo or other ERP system is a plus. 8、有条理、乐观诚实、细致好学、有团队精神、能按期完成工作 Organized, proactive, reliable, careful, teamwork spirit, able to meet deadlines.