岗位职责: 1.Perform pre-shipment inspection based on a weekly inspection schedule. /按每周验货计划执行PSI. 2.Immediately communicate issues to relative engineer related to any inspection results that may hold a shipment due to product problems. / 及时将与任何检验的问题传达给工程师,由于质量问题可能暂停发货。 3.When rejected product or special defects are found, support quality engineer or technical engineer with the root cause investigation and assist to plan correlative actions to drive for improvement. /发现不合格或特殊缺陷产品,协助技术工程师或质量工程师调查原因并协助做好相关改进计划。 4.Generate pre-shipment inspections report and upload in Quality system on Time/ 按时生成验货报告并上传到公司质量系统 5.Report to department manager if any abnormal situation is found while at a supplier’s factory. /在供应商工厂发现异常立即汇报给部门经理 Frequent travel in China to visit factories (mostly in East China)./频繁到供应商所在地出差(主要是华东地区) 关键绩效指标(KPI): Quality assurance level/质量保证水平 Customer Complaint/客户投诉 Inspection & Quality Report uploading on time /按时提交检验报告和质量报告。 Improvement points feedback and Product Quality improvement continuously/质量改进反馈及产品质量持续改进
岗位要求: 专业知识: BS in Mechanical or Electrical. /机械工程或电气工程本科毕业 素质/能力: Mini 3-year experience in quality control or technologic position in factory. 三年以上工厂质量控制或及技术岗为工作经验 Good written and reading English. /良好的书面英语表达能力 Motivated and hard working/积极进取,勤奋努力 Well organized, very focused and detailed-minded. /做事有条理, 非常专注和细致 Proficient in Office software and other industrial CAD software 熟练应用办公软件和CAD 软件 熟悉ISO9001质量体系及相关质量工具