Supplier development Engineer /供应商开发工程师 Necessary skill/必要技能 1. 开发阶段评估供应商,能通过供应商的关键点或者相关评估手段,评估供应商是否是公司发展需要的合作伙伴。 Supplier evaluation in development, via the key points or evaluation way to deduce the supplier whether is suitable for company or not. 2. 样品过程的跟踪与管理,通过和供应商沟通,缩短样品开发周期。通过现场测量验证的工作,提高样品一次合格率。 Follow and management for sample process, short the sample term and improve the sample one pass rate by visiting and communication. 3. 指导和推进供应商生产中的问题改进,提供相应的技术支持,帮助供应商制定正确的生产工艺,满足公司产品质量及交期要求。 Support and push supplier to resolve the problems which happened during manufacture, and give technical support to meet the quality and delivery requirement. 4. 批量过程,以提高供应商一次交货合格率为目的,组织相关活动,包括但不限于推动供应商加强自主检查 Series parts, for improving one pass rate, organize activities which include and not limit, requiring suppliers to do self-check. 5. 定期供应商评估,推动供应商优胜劣汰,优化供应商体系。 Evaluate supplier regularly, push the activity that keep the best and move away the worse. And optimize the supplier systems. 6. 及时处理生产线或者售后反馈的质量问题,积极和供应商一起解决问题,并防止该问题再次发生。 Handle the quality issues from sale and production in time, push supplier to solve the quality issue and keep away the same issue again. 7. 完善不合格品管理体系。 Improve the management system of no-good part. 8. 完成上级经理交办的其他工作任务。 To complete other tasks assigned by supervisor. 9. 与相关部门协作(采购,质量,生产),完成项目任务。 Cooperate with other department (Purchase, Quality, production) to finish the production task. Basic Qualifications /基本任职资格要求 1. 教育与学历:专科及以上学历,机械专业 Education & Academic Qualifications: major in machinery 2. 工作经验要求:3年以上机械行业工作经验 Working Experiences: 3 years of machinery working experience. 3. 特殊资格要求: 必须会三坐标的实际操作测量; 会看机械图纸 Specific Qualifications: 3D inspection ability;Mechanical drawing ability 4. 英文听说写可以简单沟通 Can Communicate in English Professional Knowledge and Working Skills(Hard Skills) /专业知识与工作技能 1. 熟悉一个零件的加工流程,从下料,焊接,机加工,油漆等,对生产工艺有熟悉的了解。 Familiar with process flow, cutting, welding, machining and painting, etc. 2. 熟练使用Office等办公软件,对ERP,SAP等有一定了解。 Familiar with office software, and know ERP, SAP, etc. 3. 有供应商质量管理经验 Supplier quality management is necessary. 4. 接受做一些现场测量验证的工作 QC inspector work. Competence Requirements(Soft Skills)/能力素质要求 1. 工作细致严谨,责任心强。 Working earnest and preciseness. Strong responsibility. 2. 有较强的沟通能力,具备团队精神。 Good communicate and team spirit. 3. 原则性强,有时间观念,工作讲究效率 Good principle and work efficiency.